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Trump Tames Billary May 27, 2016

Posted by Dr. Robert Owens in Politics, Politiocal Philosophy.

Back in the days of the peace dividend, “Read my lips,” and “It’s the economy stupid” we were told we got two for the price of one.  And we sure did. One president to chase skirts in the Oval Office and one harridan to persecute his victims: Billary, the corrupt couple from Whitewater. Remember back in the Sleazy Nineties when the Clinton interlewed between George I and George II lowered the standards for what was acceptable public conduct. Remember all the fun we had with these two madcap political savants: Chinagate, Travelgate, Whitewater, Vince Foster, Filegate, the Cattle Futures Miracle, Lootergate, Drug Dealer Donor Scandal, Ponzi Scheme, and the Political Favor Scandal.

Then in 2000 AlGore their trusty assistant failed in his bid to continue their legacy of lunacy.  After two terms of Bushness the female side of Billary was in the Senate not passing legislation just screeching enough to keep her name in the headlines, approving wars she would later repudiate, and condemning Bush for believing phony intelligence she believed before she doubted.  In the meantime Bubba was flying off on the Lotlia Express to Orgy Island for a little RR with underage sex slaves.

Along comes 2008 and she and her con-conspirator Bill lined up for a re-run of the bimbo eruption express.  A funny thing happened on the way to her coronation.  Barack Hussein Obama erupted from who knows where, and reminiscent of the sainted JFK who defeated Tricky Dick he vanquished the Duality of Deception and just as JFK’s media facilitators built Camelot he built Chicago-on-the-Potomac.  This is a wondrous place where America gets fundamentally transformed from the Unipolar Hegemon of the World into a banana republic whose Tin Pot rules by decree, the borders are erased, the New Normal says .05% growth is the best we can do, and our Dear Leader bows to foreign despots and apologizes for who we were.

All that was just a bump in the road.

Along comes 2012 and after four years as a figurehead Secretary of State handing out re-set buttons that didn’t work, presiding over the massacre in Benghazi, and setting up an illegal private server so Bubba could solicit pre-election bribes she is ready to ride the backs of a complicit media back into the White House.  A funny thing happened on her way to her second coronation.  Crazy Bernie after years of being a Socialist back bencher became a Democratic Socialist and started winning primaries.  His brand of “From each according to their ability to each according to their need” Marxism appealed to the everyone-gets-a-trophy-for-showing-up generation and Billery started taking on water.

As the BOGO candidate failed to put away the crazy guy on the left they traded promises to give everyone everything, to punish business, and humble, humiliate, and cripple America even more than BHO.  Just because she is universally known to be an inveterate liar people seemed to believe the crazy one more than the sleazy one.

Crazy Bernie’s crowds filled stadiums and she was lucky to fill gymnasiums.  In an honest contest crazy would have beaten sleazy but it wasn’t anywhere near a fair fight.  The media carries water for the Duality of Debauchery and the super delegates in the Democrat system make the voters merely cover for smoke-filled rooms.

In the old days Bill would bite his lip and tell us, “I did not have sex with that woman,” or Hillary would remind us she is a woman and that would settle the matter.  Just like prosecutors believe they can indict a ham sandwich the media believed they could foist any type of incompetent dishonest lecher and his less than better half on the great unwashed. Then along came Trump.

The Donald upended the calculations of the Perpetually Reelected- Mainstream Media-Crony Capitalist Cartel.  The political hacks are confounded not knowing how to counter his counter punches.  The Media can’t help themselves. They have to cover everything he says since he pushes their ratings which have been taking a beating from alternative online sources.  They may spend more time trying to destroy him than anything else, but it turns out there is no such thing as bad press and they do spell his name right.  And the Crony Capitalists?  He’s one of their own, so if they haven’t already jumped on the Trump Train they will, because they know which side of their bread is buttered and they always end up on the winning side.

There are still many interesting things to look forward to in this unusual election cycle.

Billary will go over the top even if she loses California, but Crazy Bernie won’t go away.  He’s like the goofy old uncle who always shows up.  Sometimes you aren’t even sure how he is related to you, but he always shows up.

Then we have the 2016 Republican National Convention which will be held in Cleveland, Ohio at the Quicken Loans Arena July 18-21, 2016.  It will be the GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH complete with all-star entertainment, suspense and drama.  This will break records for ratings and launch Trump the Magnificent onto the world stage as the anointed leader of the millionaires and billionaires who are going to save the forgotten man.

Next comes the 2016 Democratic Convention that will be held at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia July 25th-28th, 2016.  That will either be a snoozefest or Chicago 1968 on steroids.  After this gathering of give-away artists have done all they can to whip their disparate interest groups into line, bribe the covetous, and fool the rest, after more than a year of preliminaries we finally will arrive at the actual election campaign.

Ah, the 2016 election this should be a show worth watching.  Billary will try everything.  Bill will bite his lip and Hillary will remind everyone she’s a woman.  The Media will do their best to paint her as a St. Hillary of Arch riding in to save us from the Trump monster.

This should be Kabuki of the highest order.  Billary will flail around using the same Democrat playbook as always and hurl baseless charges through their media megaphone like they did with Romney, “He hasn’t paid taxes in years” or “He gave someone a wedgie back in seventh grade.”  Bill will bite his lip and Hillary will still be a woman.

Mr. Trump will counterpunch so effectively Bill will be calling her Crooked Hillary before he’s done.  They won’t know what hit them.  They are busy building up the Clinton Library and Message Parlor with bribes, I mean donations, from the misogynistic oil slicks and anyone else who wants to get on the waiting list to rent the Lincoln Bedroom or get a pardon.  Having made millions giving 20 minute speeches about nothing Billary has no conception of what a person who really builds things and is a mover and shaker based on their achievements not their connections can move and shake.  They’ll have PTSD by the time the election results add their name to Goldwater and McGovern in the list of also rans.

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com © 2016 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com  Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens





Trump Earthquake Causes Democrat Tsunami May 20, 2016

Posted by Dr. Robert Owens in Politics, Politiocal Philosophy.

It is not often that we get to witness a true phenomenon.

The Reagan Revolution was exciting but it was not a phenomenon.  It was a carefully planned, long fought, and hard won battle between the Conservative wing and the Progressive wing of the Republican Party.

The Reagan Revolution began with The Speech by Ronaldos Maximus in support of Barry Goldwater delivered on a television program, Rendezvous with Destiny.  It blossomed during his two successful terms as Governor of California, and sputtered a little in 1976 when he lost the nomination for President to Gerald Ford in the last contested convention in American History.  Then after four years of hard grass roots work Reagan’s followers, this author included in their ranks, captured the party from precinct captain to national chairman.  The next eight years led to many successes, compromises, and a failure culminating in the party being handed over as a prize to George the First and the rest is History.  The Bush dynasty ran the brand into the ground.

Enter The Donald.  Now here is a phenomenon.  The last time a non-politician came from nowhere to capture the nomination of one of the major parties was in 1940 when the so-called Miracle in Philadelphia brought about the surprise nomination of a life-long Democrat who mirrored FDR’s positions on most important issues. He came in as a dark horse and through clever manipulation and behind the scenes machinations whisked the nomination out of the hands of the three top contenders: Senator Robert Taft of Ohio (the son of President William H. Taft), Senator Arthur Vandenberg of Michigan, and Manhattan District Attorney Thomas Dewey.  Of course this was back in the day when there really were smoke filled backrooms and party bosses and long before primaries and State caucuses.

Here we are a life-time later and the ideological descendants of the Wilkie wonks after turning the Party of Reagan into Democrat Lite were planning on foisting another Bush on their unwilling base.  Trump trumped them all.  He knocked off one establishment straw man after another as well as the closest thing we will see to Reagan to stand unchallenged for the nomination.  No grass roots organization, no army of K-Street consultants, hardly any advertising, just Trump.  His triumph over everyone else who should have won is a true political phenomenon.

Now comes the general election at least once the Democrats stop the charade of Hillary losing her way to the nomination and hold their coronation of the Queen of Hearts.

Even relying on the yellow-dog Democrats, the dead Democrats who continue to vote, and the undocumented Democrats Hillary is going to face an uphill battle.  When you consider she may be ethically challenged, personally cold, under threat of indictment, and bringing Slick Willy along  her campaign strategy consists of convincing people that her opponent is worse. You can see she may not be the certainty the liberal media make her out to be.

Just look at her record.  Everything she has accomplished has been because she said “I do” to Bubba.  While he was playing hound dog and doing some government jobs on the side she was busy covering up his serial abuse of women and smoothing out the wrinkles from his frequent bimbo eruptions.  Then after they left the White House, looting it on the way out the door, she ran for the Senate in a state where the Democrats own the vote.  She spends a term and a half accomplishing nothing and is appointed as Secretary of State.  The judgement of her tenure as America’s leading diplomat has yet to be adjudicated.  She is a poor campaigner at best.  And she’s bringing Bill back to the scene of his crimes.  This is not the recipe for the Clinton Crime Family to recapture the capitol.

If that isn’t enough we do have Hillary’s top scandals as reported in World Net Daily(this is an abbreviated version):

  1. Benghazi: Four American lives lost: On Sept. 11, 2012, while Hillary was secretary of state, Islamic militants attacked a U.S. special mission in Benghazi, Libya, and murdered U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and U.S. Foreign Service Information Management officer Sean Smith. Two CIA contractors, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, were also killed. In the months leading up to the attack, Hillary’s State Department cut security in Libya.  Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., accused Hillary of “dereliction of duty” that led to the deaths of the four Americans.  “The State Department not only failed to honor repeated requests for additional security, but instead actually reduced security in Libya,” Johnson wrote in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. “Although no one can say with certainty, I firmly believe a relatively small contingent of armed military guards would have prevented the attack, and those four lives would not have been lost.”  As WND reported, a security decision finalized personally by Hillary may have unwittingly doomed the Americans in Benghazi. Hillary herself signed waivers that allowed the facility to be legally occupied, since it did not meet the minimum official security standards set by the State Department. The waiver legally allowed the CIA annex to be housed in a location about one mile from the U.S. special mission.  According to accounts from Benghazi survivors, the delayed response time by those at the CIA annex may have cost the lives of Stevens and the three other Americans killed at the special mission. If the CIA annex had been co-located with the U.S. special mission, a rapid response team would have been on site during the initial assault in which Stevens was killed. Clinton’s waiver allowed the CIA annex to be housed at the separate location.  As WND also reported, State Department emails show Clinton knew while the attack was under way that it was being carried out by terrorists.  Judicial Watch has obtained previously classified documents from the U.S. Department of Defense and the Department of State revealing that DOD almost immediately reported that the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, was planned and carried out by al-Qaida and Muslim Brotherhood-linked terrorists. A federal court ordered the government hand over more than 100 pages of previously secret documents that showed then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other senior Obama officials were given reports within hours of the Sept. 11, 2012, attack. In those memos, the DOD described details of a plan 10 days in advance “to kill as many Americans as possible.”  Nonetheless, Hillary falsely blamed it on “rage and violence over an awful Internet video” when she spoke at a ceremony at Andrews Air Force Base on Sept. 14, 2012, as the remains of the four Americans were returned to the U.S.


  1. Clintons turn IRS into ‘gestapo’: Individuals singled out for audits during the administration included Clinton paramours Gennifer Flowers and Liz Ward Gracen, sexual assault accusers Paula Jones and Juanita Broaddrick, fired White House Travel Office Director Billy Dale and attorney Kent Masterson Brown. Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly, an outspoken critic of both Bill and Hillary Clinton, said he was audited three times during the Clinton presidency. A 1996 survey by the Washington Times could not identify a single liberal public policy organization that had been audited during the entire Clinton administration.


  1. Filegate: FBI files on GOP enemies: The Clinton duo was involved in a scandal known as “Filegate” in which they illegally obtained FBI files on perceived adversaries, most of whom served in previous Republican administrations.  The scandal was first detected by the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee, which investigated the Clintons’ Travelgate caper. The committee found that the FBI files had been improperly accessed by Craig Livingstone, a former bar bouncer Hillary had hired to work in the White House Counsel’s Office. However, Hillary called the whole affair a “completely honest bureaucratic snafu.”


  1. Travelgate: The staff of the White House travel office was fired to make way for Clinton cronies, including Bill’s 25-year-old cousin, who was reportedly promised the position of office director.  Hillary allegedly fired seven employees and gave the positions to her Arkansas friends. According to the Washington Post, there was an effort to award a White House airline contract to a Clinton friend.  Also, Hillary reportedly had the FBI investigate the former head of the travel office, Billy Dale, who was fired without notice and removed from the White House grounds. Dale was charged with embezzlement but found not guilty of the crime in 1995. He was later audited by the IRS.


  1. Landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia:  In her March 17, 2008, foreign-policy speech on Iraq, then-Sen. Hillary Clinton recalled a trip she made to Tuzla, Bosnia, in 1996.  “I remember landing under sniper fire,” Hillary said of her visit while she was first lady. “There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.”  But news footage of her visit revealed her “sniper fire” claim wasn’t just exaggerated. It was completely false. And Hillary had repeated the claim several times, including during her time on the presidential campaign trail in 2007. Rather, Hillary landed on a tarmac and greeted a crowd, including an 8-year-old child who gave her a poem, under no duress. According to the Washington Post, a review of more than 100 news articles revealed no security threats to Hillary at the time.


  1. Hillary’s ‘missing’ law firm billing records: In 1994, federal investigators subpoenaed Hillary’s billing records from her days as a partner in the Rose Law firm during the Watergate scandal. The White House said it didn’t have the 115 pages of files. While Hillary claimed she had a minor role in the affair, the Washington Examiner reported that “when the records mysteriously turned up in the White House in 1996, they showed she met repeatedly with key figures in the scandal.”


  1. Pardongate: Hillary Senate contributions: Before Bill Clinton left the White House in 2001, he granted numerous controversial pardons – including to convicted tax evader Marc Rich, whose wife made significant contributions to Hillary’s 2000 Senate campaign and the Clinton presidential library. The Associated Press reported that Rich had been “indicted by a U.S. federal grand jury on more than 50 counts of fraud, racketeering, trading with Iran during the U.S. Embassy hostage crisis and evading more than $48 million in income taxes – crimes that could have earned him more than 300 years in prison.” Rich fled to Switzerland in 1983 after his indictment and remained on the FBI’s Most Wanted List until President Clinton pardoned him.  Also, Hillary’s brothers, Tony and Hugh Rodham, reportedly received large amounts of money from people who were pardoned by Bill Clinton. Hillary said she and Bill were unaware of the scheme.  Accuracy in Media reported, “Hugh Rodham, Hillary’s brother, was taking money and promising access to help get pardons. Two such high profile cases were those of drug kingpin Carlos Vignali and convicted swindler Glenn Braswell. Rodham received hundreds of thousands of dollars from each, and they were both granted pardons. Rodham was quoted as telling a top White House aide that the pardon for Vignali was ‘very important’ to Hillary.”


  1. Hillary’s cash cows and 9,987 percent profit: In March 1994, it was revealed Hillary – with no previous experience – had made massive profits from cattle futures trading between 1978 and 1979, when Bill Clinton’s salary as Arkansas attorney general had been modest. She reportedly made $99,537 in profit on a $1,000 investment (a 9,987 percent profit) in just nine months because of a highly placed connection at Tyson Foods, which was the largest employer in Arkansas and a big Clinton donor.  The New York Times reported: “During Mr. Clinton’s tenure as Governor, Tyson benefited from several state decisions, including favorable environmental rulings, $9 million in state loans, and the placement of company executives on important state boards. … The commodities trades were the most successful investment the Clintons ever made. The nearly $100,000 profit enabled them to buy a house, invest in securities and real estate and provide a nest egg for their daughter, Chelsea.”


  1. Clinton body count: ‘You find dead people’ “The Clinton body count,” first published in WND and later circulated by Linda Tripp to Monica Lewinsky, is a collection of names of people associated with Clinton administration scandals who have died mysterious and often violent deaths. Reporter David Bresnahan broke the story of the list during the summer of 1997 while researching his book, “Cover Up: The Art and Science of Political Deception.”  “I started looking into all the various deaths of people that were involved in various Clinton scandals,” Bresnahan “I started to investigate the entire picture instead of just one focused event. Nobody out there was putting it all together,” he said. “If you look at one scandal, you’ll find one dead guy. When you investigate all Clinton scandals, you find similarities, you find common tactics, you find common actions and you find dead people.”  The list was not just a source of terror among sworn enemies of the administration. It was an even greater terror for those close to Clinton – for those closest, it appeared, died younger and more inexplicably than those on the outside looking in.  In his research, Bresnahan came up with more than one list. “Not only did I find a list of dead people, but I also found that there are over 100 people who have refused to testify,” he said at the time. “There is also a list of people who have gone to jail. There are 45 people who have gone to jail, some of them White House staff, Cabinet members as well as people from the Justice Department. So many of those (lists) developed when I started to pursue the big picture.”


  1. Watergate: Fired for being a ‘liar’ Hillary actually played a role in the Watergate saga, and her actions as a young attorney may have set the tone for her career.  The 27-year-old Clinton was fired from the staff of the House Judiciary committee investigating the Watergate scandal in 1974. She was fired by her supervisor, lifelong Democrat Jerry Zeifman, who called her a liar and much worse.  “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer,” he said. “She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.” Zeifman also refused to give Clinton a letter of recommendation, making her one of only three employees he snubbed during his 17-year career.

Who knows maybe she will get indicted before the coronation and save the democrats all this baggage.  Then they could parachute in Biden and Warren to save the day.  Or maybe they will nominate the man who is winning so many of their primaries and instead of a red queen go for a red king.

Believe it or not Bernie’s their best chance and he’s a Socialist.  I know his useful idiots repeat the party line, “He’s not a Socialist.  He’s a Democratic Socialist.”  This is like Hitler reassuring the Germans with, “I’m not a Fascist I’m a National Socialist.”  A statist is a statist, central planning is central planning, and collectivism is collectivism.  To put it in terms the philosophical among Bernie’s supporters might understand Capitalism is the thesis, Socialism is the anti-thesis, and Progressivism is the synthesis.

At least he would bring the enthusiasm for anything but the status quo to the support of the Democrat ticket.  If they nominate anyone else a large percentage of that vote may well end up crossing over from the dark side and support Trump.

However, try as they may, the Democrats are on the wrong side of History in this election cycle.  Their rule-by-decree culture of corruption coupled with the Neo-Conns and their nation-building wars for peace have brought us to the precipice.  The political class ensconced in their gated communities and safe behind the beltway moat may not know it or they may not care, but the once secure middle-class in the rustbelt flyover country know it and Trump has managed to convincingly play the marshal for this parade.  He has ridden the wave of discontent into the nomination and the phenomenon that is the Trump earthquake is about to cause a tsunami for the Democrats.

I just pray that everyone remembers that while a rising tide may lift all boats a crashing tidal wave submerges the whole coast and anything less than freedom isn’t freedom.

Keep the faith.  Keep the peace.  We shall overcome.

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com © 2016 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com  Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie OwensExcerpt:




Do Unions Cause Inequality? May 13, 2016

Posted by Dr. Robert Owens in Politics, Politiocal Philosophy.

We hear quite a bit about inequality today.  This seems to be the mantra in the waning of the Obama Administration with the President saying, “Income inequality is “the defining challenge of our time.”  This is all code for another of President Obama’s descriptions of the same policy, the need to, “Spread this wealth around,” or in other words “From each according to his ability to each according to his need.”

Let’s spread the wealth around and end inequality.  One of the President’s and the Democrat Party’s most powerful allies in this long march to the promised land of a worker’s paradise where everyone is truly equal are the unions.

At one time it was dangerous to belong to a union in the United States.  They were considered illegal combinations in restraint of trade even though freedom of association has long been considered a right under the First Amendment to the Constitution.  People died organizing and participating in strikes.  Names like the Matewan Massacre, the Haymarket Riot, and the Battle of Blair Mountain convey the very real image of war that was fought for the right to organize.  This was a war that was decisively won by the unions.  This war for the allegiance of American labor was not won through the superior organizing techniques of the union bosses.  From the major battles of the 1800s and the early 1900s the unions were failing.  The workers just didn’t want to join.  Then along came FDR and his New Deal.  He passed pro-union legislation and with the patronage and support of the Federal Government unions not only flourished they triumphed.

According to the Progressives monopolies are terrible.  They benefit few and penalize many.  Never mind that before Rockefeller established his powerful Standard Oil a gallon of kerosene  cost 58 cents and after he had gained 90% of the market the price had fallen to 7 cents.  Or that under Carnegie’s US Steel, which controlled all steel production, the price of steel dropped.  Monopolies in production were universally branded as evil and they were made illegal by the progressives under Teddy Roosevelt “The Trust Buster” as he rigorously enforced the Sherman Antitrust Act and saved the people from the exploitation of efficiency and lower prices.

Monopolies were and are considered universally evil except when it comes to unions.  Unions have been allowed to exercise absolute control of entire industries.  Just ask yourself, how many auto worker unions are there?  How about Electricians, plumbers, carpenters?  How many unions compete with the NEA or SEIU?  These powerful unions have gained strangleholds over entire sectors of our economy.  They exercise coercive authority to allow some to work at their given professions and to deny others the same opportunity.  Through their unlimited power to exact unwilling support from anyone in their grasp they gain billions to support the very politicians who pass laws giving them the power to extort the money.  Through their government granted authority to become the sole negotiators of everyone’s pay, even those who don’t belong to the union, they effectively come to control the employers to a major extent.

Using the government awarded monopolistic and coercive power to drive up wages and benefits they drive up operating costs and prices.  By artificially driving up the wages of their members so that they can then collect bigger dues they distort the market place and artificially force down the wages of non-union workers.  You see unions can force wages above the levels that would be achieved in a free market only by limiting the supply with the threat to withhold labor if their demands aren’t met.

Workers in the private sector have been rejecting the big union cartels for generations.  Their participation rate has fallen from a high of 35% in the 1950s to its present dismal level of 11.1%.  According to the Washington Examiner, “The job sectors with the highest unionization rates in 2015 were in “protective service occupations,” primarily law enforcement, at 36.3 percent and education at 35.5 percent. The lowest rates were for retail sales at 3.3 percent and farming and forestry at 1.9 percent.”

And even this declining state of unionism is only possible because of the heavy hand of government patronage.  Rick Berman, president of the business-backed Center for Union Facts, attributed the stability in the numbers to pro-union policies under President Obama. “Union membership is apparently receiving a boost from an activist National Labor Relations Board. By tilting the scales in favor of labor organizers, the board and the sympathetic Obama administration are propping up Big Labor rather than helping the rank-and-file.”

As private sector employees bailed out of unions every time they had a chance, the employees-for-life in the civil service bureaucracy organized to gain an inordinate level of power over the government.  In 2009, for the first time in American history, government employees accounted for more than half the nation’s union membership.

Even FDR, the patron saint of unions warned about the distortions and disruptions of public sector unions.

In the President’s Aug. 16, 1937 correspondence with Luther C. Steward, the president of the National Federation of Federal Employees he said “meticulous attention should be paid to the special relationships and obligations of public servants to the public itself and to the Government.”

He added, “All Government employees should realize that the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service.  It has its distinct and insurmountable limitations when applied to public personnel management.”

And, “The very nature and purposes of Government make it impossible for administrative officials to represent fully or to bind the employer in mutual discussions with Government employee organizations.”

He continued, “The employer is the whole people, who speak by means of laws enacted by their representatives in Congress. Accordingly, administrative officials and employees alike are governed and guided, and in many instances restricted, by laws which establish policies, procedures, or rules in personnel matters.”

He concluded, “The pay is fixed by Congress and the workmen are represented by the members of Congress in the fixing of Government pay.  In other words, you would not have the representatives of the majority as the sole bargaining agents?  Not in the government, because there is no collective contract.  It is a very different case. There isn’t any bargaining, in other words, with the government; therefore the question does not arise.”

This is in effect a money laundering scheme.  The unions bargain with the politicians who raise the pay of their members which raises the dues collected by the unions who then contribute money to the very politicians who raise their pay.  And even in the public sector when given the choice to remain in unions or leave when given the chance as in Wisconsin they are leaving in droves.

So how do unions cause inequality?  By controlling the labor in major industries they distort the free market by artificially raising the cost of labor over what it should be according to production costs and sales receipts.  This in turn contributes to economic misallocations of resources and malinvestments which sets the stage for the creation of bubbles, booms, and busts.

In America all people are equal before the law and all should have equality of opportunity.  However, it is a fact apparent to anyone who has interacted with anyone else that all people are not equal in talent, motivation, experience, or desires.  Therefore inequality as a result of the varying application of these four attributes will always exist.

Such horror shows as the USSR, Cuba, and Venezuela have tried this through collectivist pipedreams that became the nightmares of their captive people.

If unions are all about the free association of workers go to Chicago or New York and try to start a competing carpenters union.  See how well that goes.  I would suggest that you wear a hard hat.

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com © 2016 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com  Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens




Trump Trumps Never-Trump May 6, 2016

Posted by Dr. Robert Owens in Politics, Politiocal Philosophy.

The Perpetually Re-elected Progressive Elite, the Corporations Once Known as the Mainstream media, and their pet poodle pundits make fun of Trump by calling him a “Reality TV Star.”  They just don’t get it. Half the country wishes they were reality TV Stars.  They say he is brash, uncouth, and disrespectful to the army of political hacks he has been and will confront. They just don’t get it. People want someone who will stand up for the Country Party in the face of the Government Party that has controlled both major parties for so long.

The list of disconnects between the imperial rulers in Chicago-on-the-Potomac and the great unwashed out here in fly-over country is massive.  It is easily more than enough to define a complete breakdown in the social contract of a limited government.  A social contract forged in the Declaration of Independence and enshrined in the Constitution which defines the legitimacy of the current regime.

The Progressive megaphones tell us this is the strongest economy in American History and that President Obama is the greatest chief executive of modern times.  They even fantasize about the “Obama Boom.”  Working people laugh when you try to sell them this obvious propaganda. The government tells us that we have reached full employment.  Anyone who reads should know that over ninety-three million able bodied Americans no longer work and only a little over 150 million are working.  Yet the government tells us there is 5% unemployment when the numbers say it is closer to 40%.  Our leaders tell us there is no inflation no matter how many trillions of fiat dollars they print, and all of us who shop for our own food, buy our own clothes, or pay utility bills know otherwise.

They tell us we won the war in Iraq.  We may have won it by the time King George II left but since Prince Obama got his hands on it ISIS tells us we haven’t.  Our leaders say we have won in Afghanistan.  Everyone in the world knows that the minute we leave the Taliban roll right back into Kabul and the sock puppets we have been supporting all these years as the leaders of a democratic Afghanistan will be flying to Switzerland in 747s filled with American taxpayer’s cash.  We are told Obamacare is a great success. Anyone who had insurance before it started knows that if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor has to be tempered by increased fees, increased deductibles, increased co-payments, and decreased covered services.

They tell us and they tell us and they tell us, we just don’t believe them anymore.

If these belchers of beltway bromides think every day working Americans swallow any of this they have seriously underestimated our intelligence, our interest, and our attention spans.

I have the opportunity to travel the country throughout the year.  I take what some call back roads, the secondary roads that parallel America’s vast Interstate system and that still goes through small towns instead of bypassing them and homogenizing everywhere in to anywhere.  I try to stop at Mom-and-Pop restaurants and take every opportunity possible to talk with people about the issues of the day.  Here’s what I find, Trump, Trump, Trump.

I believe the polls are skewed.  Perhaps people don’t want to say they are for Trump because they know the pollsters will look down on them as simple country bumpkins, racists, or reactionary supporters of old dead white guys.  Perhaps they are talking to those who are at home when the workers are busy working.  Whatever the reason I believe, and I predict that Trump is going to beat Hillary like a drum.  He is going to win in a landslide, and he is going to drag the Republican Party that tried to reject him along for the ride.  I am predicting that due to his wave election coattails the Republicans will increase their majorities in the House and the Senate.

What is the cause of this phenomenon?  Generations of politicians who run as outsiders and who become insiders as soon as they enter the moral and patriotic black hole and before they start swirling in the DC drain to their life-time pensions.  Generations of politicians who sold us out in so-called free trade deals that gave others a free pass into our markets while keeping their own locked to us.  Generations of politicians who have spent us into oblivion, printed more money that there is paper, and borrowed so much money from other nations that we are now the world’s greatest debtor.

So who is to blame for the coming over throw of the twin headed bird of prey that is the Government Party of Power: the politicians themselves. Living in their bubble asking why those who have no bread don’t eat cake they have no idea of what is coming.  Their pollsters are polling themselves and providing the information their paymasters want to see.  And all the while out here in the Heartland a tsunami is brewing that will wash them all away.

To paraphrase what Phil Ochs said so long ago,

In tattered tuxedos they faced the new heroes
And crawled about in confusion
All the hands raised, they stood there amazed
In the shattering of their illusions

Many of the nattering nabobs of negativism who dominate the 24 hour news cycle have been waiting expectantly for Trump to make one mega-gaff that will destroy his campaign.  To hear them crow you would believe he made it when he resurrected the phrase, “America First.”

First used as the name of a widely based organization that sought to keep us out of World War Two.  Then it was used in the nineties by Pat Buchanan in his prescient campaign to save America from the one-worlders.  The left has done their best to make this a catch phrase for defeat because they hate not only what it says but what it implies.  The Elite political class has sought to make it an unutterable phrase condemned by political correctness and exiled because in their minds to even say America First is to defile their one world religion.  They may believe they have tarnished the concept with 75 years of negative propaganda and indoctrination but still 57% of American citizens believe in America First, they want an America First foreign policy, an America First trade policy, and an America First immigration policy.  They want an America First president.

My prediction: After all is said and done, after all the dust settles, after Crooked Hillary goes home to lick her wounds, after the neo-con talking heads and their K-Street financiers realize the prize has slipped from their hands it will end up that Trump Trumps Never-Trump.

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com © 2016 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com  Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens