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Hacked Emails Expose Hacks July 26, 2017

Posted by Dr. Robert Owens in Politics, Politiocal Philosophy.
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The sore loser cry babies who refuse to accept the results of American voters will do anything to make the vote of the people for Donald Trump appear illegitimate.  Their lame attempts at frivolous recounts only exposed their own corruption and added votes to the Donald’s bottom line.  So it is time for a new approach.  Blame it on the Russians.

I remember back in the 1980s when we finally had a president with a plan to end the Cold War.  These same bleeding heart limousine liberals fell all over themselves opposing the Gipper.  They marched, they colluded with the enemy and they endlessly attacked him and his plan through their operatives masquerading as journalists in the Corporations Once Known as the Mainstream Media.

Now when the evidence is flimsy at best and manufactured at worst they are indignantly riding their high horses to another catastrophic defeat.  Even the help of all the RINOs in Congress won’t help these repudiated Clintonistas put Humpty Dumpty Hillary back together again.

Their megaphones in the media are filling the airwaves with the lie that all our intelligence services agree the Russians hacked our election and caused the defeat of the anointed and the victory of the barbarians.

Let’s see how that squares with reality.

Top US Spy Agency Doesn’t Back CIA View on Russia Hacking

According to Reuters the leaders of the U.S. intelligence community do not embrace a CIA assessment that Russian cyber-attacks were aimed at helping Republican President-elect Donald Trump win the 2016 election.  While the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) does not dispute the CIA’s analysis of Russian hacking operations, it does not endorse their assessment because there is a lack of conclusive evidence that Moscow intended to boost Trump over Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

The position of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), which oversees the seventeen agency-strong U.S. intelligence communities, gives Trump an informed position to dispute the CIA assessment.

Former Army Intel Officer Rejects Hack Theory: CIA’s Brennan Playing ‘Info Warfare’

A retired Army intelligence officer dismissed the theory that the Russians hacked the election in favor of Donald Trump, instead putting forth his own theory — CIA Director John Brennan is playing political games.

Retired Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer stated that in his opinion Brennan is trying to undermine the president-elect out of deference to his old boss, President Barack Obama.

Shaffer said, “This is purely political, and I believe that John Brennan is a political animal. Everything they are telling me is Brennan is doing this out of loyalty to Ex-President Obama. It’s called information operations, information warfare, and that’s what I believe is going on.”

Ultimately what’s more dangerous the DNC hack or the criminality it exposed?

These leaked emails, whether released by Russia, China, or some teenager in his mother’s basement expose possible criminal activity by Secretary Clinton and New York’s Sixth Crime Family using her office as the launching pad for a pay-to-play scam to solicit tens of millions of dollars from foreign heads of state.

There was also evidence that Clinton’s campaign staff colluded with their not-so-covert supporters over at the Clinton News Network (CNN) before one of her debates with the Donald in order to help her in the debate and sway the results of the election.  As a matter of fact though they still deny it happened Donna Brazile has admitted that she shared the questions with Hillary before the debate.  If that isn’t cheating and colluding to influence the vote I don’t know what is.

In addition, Clinton’s campaign staff and the DNC colluded to undermine the presidential campaign of Bernie Sanders.   This is what the hacked emails from the DNC reveal never mind who leaked them the truth is the truth.

Clinton’s staff and members of the DNC all knew that Sanders was soliciting millions of dollars for his presidential campaign.  All the while they also knew that while he was doing so, they were conspiring to do everything in their power to undermine his campaign and guarantee his failure.  According to some lawyers, that could be seen as honest services fraud.

Then there is the history of American politicians working with the Russians to influence our elections.  Hint: it wasn’t conservatives and it wasn’t Putin.

In an article by Michael Reagan in Newsmax:

Democrats Secretly Worked With Russia to Oppose My Dad

Former intelligence officer Herbert Romerstein dug through the Soviet archives after the fall of the USSR and uncovered secret documents written by KGB agent Victor Chebrikov. The documents revealed that Senator Edward “Ted” Kennedy had sent a friend, former Senator John Tunney of California, to contact the KGB. Tunney’s mission: undermine then-President Jimmy Carter.

On March 5, 1980, as Kennedy was challenging Carter in the primaries, Tunney met with the KGB and urged the Soviets to sabotage Carter’s foreign policy efforts. It’s amazing: Two high-ranking Democrats — a sitting U.S. senator and a former senator — sought Soviet help in undermining American foreign policy and manipulating an American election.

One 1980 document stated that Kennedy offered to condemn President Carter’s policy toward the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in exchange for KGB help. News accounts of that period prove that Kennedy did, in fact, openly criticize Carter’s Afghanistan policy.

Even more amazing: President Carter himself was also willing to jump into bed with the Soviets. In the closing days of the 1980 presidential campaign, while trailing Ronald Reagan in the polls, Jimmy Carter sent a political ally, industrialist Armand Hammer, to a secret meeting with Soviet ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin at the embassy in Washington. Hammer asked the Soviets to help Carter win votes in key states by allowing Jewish “refuseniks” to emigrate to Israel. The Soviets rejected Hammer’s request.

In January 1984, former President Carter approached Ambassador Dobrynin in person. Carter wanted to derail President Reagan’s defense buildup, and asked for help from the Evil Empire in unseating President Reagan. It’s not clear if the Soviets gave Carter what he wanted.

Then there’s Speaker of the House Thomas P. “Tip” O’Neill. He privately told Ambassador Dobrynin that it was in everyone’s best interests if the Soviets would help the Democrats keep “that demagogue Reagan” from being re-elected. O’Neill warned Dobrynin that the “primitive instincts” of this “dangerous man” would plunge the world into war.

It must have amazed Anatoly Dobrynin that these prominent liberals — Ted Kennedy, Armand Hammer, Jimmy Carter, and Tip O’Neill — all viewed President Reagan as more dangerous than any Communist dictator. Historian Paul Kengor observed that the Soviet archives showed “the lengths to which some on the political left . . .were willing to go to stop Ronald Reagan.”

Why did the KGB documents come to light? They surfaced because Ronald Reagan toppled the Evil Empire, ended the Cold War, and thwarted the joint Democrat-Soviet effort to manipulate the election.

And if all else fails we could always go to the horse’s mouth.  According to Fortune magazine, “Julian Assange claims Russia isn’t behind WikiLeaks’ hacked Clinton emails.”

The latest revelation in this unraveling story of Russian leaks and possible interference in the election of Donald Trump involves an explosive revelation which will no doubt be hidden from the low-information voters who receive all their news from the ABCCBSNBCCNNMSNBC CABAL.

An ex-British ambassador who is now a Wikileaks operative claims Russia did NOT provide Clinton emails – they were handed over to him at a D.C. park by an intermediary for ‘disgusted’ Democratic whistle-blowers.  Craig Murray, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan and a close associate of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, told Dailymail.com that he flew to Washington, D.C. for a clandestine hand-off with one of the email sources in September.

Murray insisted that the DNC and Podesta emails published by Wikileaks did not come from the Russians, and were given to the whistle-blowing group by Americans who had authorized access to the information.

Murray said, “Neither of [the leaks] came from the Russians.  The source had legal access to the information. The documents came from inside leaks, not hacks.”

He said “The leakers were motivated by disgust at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the tilting of the primary election playing field against Bernie Sanders.”

Here’s another bombshell exploding on the flank of the politically motivated fake news campaign by the Progressive establishment to de-legitimize the election of Donald Trump.  According to Frank Gaffney in Newsmax:

In telephone conversations with Donald Trump, Ex-FBI Director and self-admitted leaker James Comey assured the president-elect there was no credible evidence that Russia influenced the outcome of the recent U.S. presidential election by hacking the Democratic National Committee and the emails of John Podesta, the chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

What’s more, Comey told Trump that James Clapper, the director of National Intelligence, agreed with this FBI assessment.

The only member of the U.S. intelligence community who was ready to assert that the Russians sanctioned the hacking was John Brennan, the ex-director of the CIA, according to sources who were briefed on Comey’s conversations with Trump.

“And Brennan takes his marching orders from President Obama,” the sources quoted Comey as saying.

In Comey’s view, the leaks to the New York Times and the Washington Post alleging that the Russians tried—and perhaps even succeeded—in tilting the election to Trump were a Democratic Party effort to delegitimize Trump’s victory.

Looking at the leaks about this whole affair former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Pete Hoekstra told Newsmax TV on Wednesday, “It is not the agency that is doing this. It is rogue employees within the CIA who are leaking this information.”

Here’s the real hack that attempted to subvert our election:

The recent re-count in Michigan revealed there were too many votes in 37% of Detroit’s precincts

Detailed reports from the office of Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett show optical scanners at 248 of the city’s 662 precincts, or 37 percent, tabulated more ballots than the number of voters tallied by workers in the poll books.

This is the same old same old vote rigging by the Democrat machines that have presided over the destruction of our great cities.  What these political hacks have done to Detroit is what they were planning for the country as a whole.  In other words; the hacked emails and the frivolous re-counts exposed the Hacks. And though they did their best to steal the election and today they are fighting to keep the truth hidden, the working people of America finally got up off the couch, the silent majority final spoke with one voice, and instead of the managed decline of the Obama-Clinton CABAL we are on the road to Make America Great Again!

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com © 2017 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com  Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens



It’s Not Paranoia if They’re Really Out to Get You July 25, 2017

Posted by Dr. Robert Owens in Politics, Politiocal Philosophy.
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Voter fraud?  What voter fraud?

The President’s Commission on Voter Fraud is universally ridiculed and disparaged as everything Trump is universally ridiculed and disparaged.  The battle cry is that to look for voter fraud is racist and just another example of the Republicans attempting to suppress votes.  They have even called it an assault on democracy.

Perhaps a short trip down memory lane might help focus the view.  Let’s cast our memory all the way back to 2012.

The 2012 re-election of our Glorious Leader Barack Husain Obama sent shock waves through the patriotic and conservative communities.  Everyone from Libertarians to fervently Pro-Life activists from Log Cabin Conservatives to those advocating traditional values have accepted the narrative force-fed to a waiting public by the media.  Day after day on the one network all conservatives watch many have swallowed the intellectual gruel ladled out by the select group of anointed talking heads whose opinions Fox must believe are the only ones we ever want to hear.  From the Liberal Juan to the Neo-Con Charles from the Libertarian John to the funny Dennis we have been told that demographics defeated us.

Yes there has been a massive demographic shift in the make-up of our country since the suicidal adoption of the Kennedy Immigration Act in 1965.  Pat Buchannan warned us for years that this was a demographic time bomb implanted by the Progressives in the very heart of America.  Yes the massive stealth amnesty which is soon to turn tens of millions of illegal immigrants into voters will effectively spell the end of any possibility for a supporter of limited government, personal liberty, and economic freedom winning the White House.

Our rule-by-decree president has used executive orders to incorporate a new voting majority. He has the perpetually re-elected leaders of the Republicrats joining in his traitorous assault on America.  Now he is the first sitting president in living memory to actively campaign for his successor, Hillary “The Nail in our Coffin” Clinton.  Mr. Buchannan warned us, crying out like a prophet in the wilderness, it is impossible to incorporate millions of people from the third world who have never known anything except authoritarian rule and expect them to become born-again supporters of Enlightenment political theory.  All they have ever known was oppressive central-planning and all powerful leaders wielding vast bureaucracies, in other words ideal Democrat voters.  And if that isn’t enough the Governor of Virginia has the “Calling all Felons” sign out at the ballot box to make sure they elect one of their own.

This is all true.  This last gear is about to be installed in the Democrat re-election machine but this is not what happened in the pivotal election of 2012   There is another story that no one on ABCCBSNBCCNNMSNBC or Fox is telling us.  Instead they parrot the conventional wisdom of the Democrat controlled media.  We hear the same thing no matter who we tune in; unless the Republican party embraces amnesty and softens its stance on certain social issues they will never have a chance to win the white House again.  The diagnosis may be correct but the prescription will kill the façade that the Republican Party supports constitutionally limited government.

The real story behind the defeat of the media chosen Romney wasn’t that this Northeast big government father of Romneycare couldn’t beat the worst president in American History riding the worst economy since FDR.  It isn’t even the fact that millions of self-identified Republicans stayed home or that millions of liberty loving constitutionalists followed their conscious and voted third party.  Even with these handicaps I believe Mr. Romney would have defeated Mr. Obama except for the one factor no one seems willing to voice: massive and systemic voter fraud.

The Democrats in general and their professional civil rights hucksters in particular have spent endless hours howling about voter suppression finally pointing to the long lines of millions of new voters as proof that their vote had been suppressed.  That’s like saying, “Nobody goes there anymore because it’s too crowded.”

In this column over the last seven and a half years I have pointed out the Progressive ways of Chicago-on-the-Potomac.  I have pointed out that Mr. Obama was the representative of the Chicago Outfit and that everything he was doing had already been field tested for generations in the City that Works for the Elites and the Outfit.  I have also pointed out that the Chicago political machine doesn’t lose elections.  With the Obama campaign headquartered in the Windy City and run by professional Chicago operatives, to this writer it was a forgone conclusion: they would steal the vote.

The massive political machines the Democrats have constructed in major cities act as vote faucets that swing their states predictably into the blue column.  The irregularities with voting machines, the hundreds of precincts that went 99 to 100 % for Obama, and the legions of voters who couldn’t even speak let alone read English all point to the arrival of third world elections to the greatest democracy ever known.

At a recent gathering I heard two progressives irately attacking the audacity of the Republicans for seeking voter ID laws.  They saw this as an attempt to stop poor and elderly voters, who all have IDs, from voting.  They also bemoaned the fact that the voter ID supporters claimed they wanted to stop voter fraud.  To this claim they wailed, “What voter fraud?  Where is it?  There is no voter fraud!”

Knowing that my earlier statements will elicit the same wail let me respond with some facts gleaned from the post-election observations as chronicled in the Worldnet Daily:

Chicago elections worker Steve Pickrum, an equipment manager for the elections system, told Worldnet Daily (WND) he was called when a voting machine malfunctioned. “On early voting when I did work on the floor when voters needed help using the equipment, I was able to see the preference of the voter, and every time that I saw [a] voter voted for Romney a ‘voter save failure’ message came up on the screen,’” he reported. Then when he went on election day to vote himself, he picked Romney and experienced the same error message. He reported he never experienced the error message when the voter was choosing Barack Obama.

Another poll worker assigned at the University of Michigan reported to WND a list of irregularities including that the precinct captain told her at one point, “You go sit down, you are bothering me,” when she was trying to observe the proceedings. “I was only standing there and looking at voter documents,” she told WND. “It was clear that what bothered him was my very presence.” She said a short time later a young man arrived and identified himself as a Democrat poll challenger. “The first time he said anything was to object to my challenge of a voter. He tried to anger the voter by telling her ‘She does not believe you are who you say you are.’ He was trying to create a scene. It then happened again and I told him ‘You are not here to challenge me!’ His reply was a very loud ‘Yes I am! You are a Republican and you are here to prevent people from voting. You are holding up the line and creating obstructions,’” she reported. She told WND in fact no one waited more than about fifteen minutes to vote the entire day, and there were no obstructions.

And in Florida, the Sun Sentinel reported that election workers a week after the election said they found 963 unaccounted-for ballots – in a warehouse. “How can you lose them? This is terrible,” candidate Chickie Brandimarte told officials. Election supervisor Brenda Snipes, however, said it’s routine for various vote totals to be adjusted up until the Nov. 18 final certification.

A poll watcher told WND up to 10 percent of the ballots cast at a polling station in Pennsylvania reverted to a default, which gave Barack Obama a vote no matter who the voter had selected. The incident took place in the state where officials claimed Obama got a total of 19,605 votes in 59 voting divisions to zero for Mitt Romney and not far from the 100 precincts in Ohio where Obama got 99 percent of the vote a feat not even achieved by third-world dictators. It was in Upper Macungie Township, near Allentown, Pa., where an auditor, Robert Ashcroft, was dispatched by Republicans to monitor the vote on Election Day. He said the software he observed would “change the selection back to default – to Obama.”

Fox News reported that voters in Nevada, North Carolina, Texas, and Ohio also said they had pushed a button on a touch-screen voting machine for Romney, but the machines recorded their vote for Obama.

The Columbus Dispatch estimated that more than twenty percent of registered Ohio voters aren’t eligible. “In two counties, the number of registered voters actually exceeds the voting-age population,” the report said. And, it said, in 31 other counties, registrations are above 90 percent of the population, “a rate regarded as unrealistic by most voting experts.”

Fox News also documented how Senate candidate Wendy Long, an attorney who was a clerk for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, recounted her voting experience. “A poll worker who was at the scanner studied my private ballot and proceeded to tell me that it was rejected because I did not ‘fill in every space.’ She then proceeded to indicate that I should mark the Democratic line all the way down.”

According to Philly.com, 59 voting divisions in Philadelphia produced a “head-spinning figure,” not one vote for Romney. “The unanimous support for Obama in these Philadelphia neighborhoods – clustered in almost exclusively black sections of West and North Philadelphia – fertilizes fears of fraud, despite little hard evidence,” the newspaper said.

The Washington Times reported that officials in Florida banned observers from seeing the absentee ballots being opened and “there was no way to know whether the absentee ballots that were produced were the same ones that were opened, or if all the ballots were produced.”

Human Events claimed Ohio voters who are native to Somalia were being given a slate card saying, “Vote Brown all the way down” – an apparent reference to the Democratic senator.

The Washington Times reported its suspicions of voter fraud in Pennsylvania, including that “in Philadelphia, the [New] Black Panthers are currently standing outside polling booths, intimidating voters just like they did in 2008.” It said, too, that seventy Republican polling inspectors were blocked from access.

A blog, Punditpress, reported “In Florida: Obama Got Over 99% in Broward County Precincts”

The same site reported: “What Luck! Obama Won Dozens of Cleveland Districts with 100% of the Vote”

There also was the report about “Good News: Obama Won County in Ohio with 108% Voter Registration”

And Punditpress also reported: “BREAKING: St. Lucie County, Florida Had 141.1% Turnout; Obama Won County”

To the Progressives who say there is no voter fraud who fight voter ID I want say, “This is voter fraud.  Here it is?  There was massive and systemic voter fraud in 2012!”  To those who refuse to call a spade a spade, hiding their heads in the sand and pretending the 2012 election was the result of a demographic shift, the power of negative advertising, or anything else besides Chicago style politics as usual I want to ask, “Why are you so quiet about something that is so obvious?”  What’s to be gained by lending our silence to endorse the legitimacy of stolen elections?”

Turning from past practice to current events:

Donald has the nerve to tell the American people that the emperor has no clothes.  He has the Chutzpah to say there is rampant voter fraud in America.  How dare he!  The Republicans don’t rise to the President’s defense even when it would seem to be in their best interests to do so.

The perpetually re-elected say he is subverting democracy.  Just remember we are not a People’s Democratic Republic we are a federal republic that operates according to democratic principles.  What we should be looking at instead of fanciful tales of a Russian under every voting booth is the actual voter fraud that is standard operating procedure in the world of the corrupt city machines.  These cities often have precincts that turn in more votes than they have voters.  Yet anyone who tries to point out the problem is a racist trying to suppress votes.

The most glaring fact that the frenzied condemnation of Mr. Trump reveals is that the twin headed bird of prey that is the Government Party of the Republicrat uniparty is losing legitimacy among the majority of citizens.  In the dim recesses of their autocratic dreams they recall the fact the all governments ultimately rest upon the consent of the governed.  That is why they work day and night to delegitimize President Trump.

You can turn a blind eye to overwhelming evidence.  You can swallow the Kool-Aide dispensed by the Progressive’s media megaphone.  However, if you are afraid to stand up and shout “The Emperor has no clothes!” because you don’t want to be called a conspiracy theorist remember it’s not paranoia if they’re really out to get you.

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com © 2016 Robert R. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com  Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens


Drill Baby Drill July 24, 2017

Posted by Dr. Robert Owens in Politics, Politiocal Philosophy.
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That was the America First battle cry for decades as the America Last crowd tried to mold us into their version of a second-rate power and potential third world hellhole.  For administration after administration we were lectured about how we had to drive less, trade in our SUVs for tiny little Obama Clown Cars to reach “Energy Independence.”  Now after less than six months of the Trump Administration long stalled pipelines are flowing, America is one of the major oil exporting nations, the cost of gasoline is dropping due to the expanding supply, OPEC is freaking because we’re fracking, and we’re talking about “Oil Dominance.”

Combine that with a resurgent coal industry and we’re beginning to see the outlines of making America great again.

If we can get a healthcare bill that allows the free market to fix the problem, if we can repeal two regulations for every new one (so far Mr. Trump is repealing sixteen for every new one), if we can resist the pressure of the neo-cons for war in Syria, or Iran, or Russia, or anywhere, if we can avoid the political assassination of impeachment we may have a chance to right the Ship-of-State that’s been listing hard to port for generations.

Those are some big “Ifs.”  The political establishment, that two headed bird of prey that constitutes the Republicrat Government Party is fixated on the destruction of the Trump presidency.  They must destroy him and declare that his election was an aberration, a mistake that has to be rebuked and reversed.  If Mr. Trump, a non-politician can succeed than it reveals the truth.  We don’t need professional politicians and technocrats to run the bewildering bureaucracy these same hacks and pencil pushers have created.

We now have a Special Counsel investigating a non-crime.  We have House and Senate committees spending all day every day investigating things they know are cut from whole cloth, castles in the air.  The Progressive Republican majorities in Congress are unable to reverse the travesty of affordable healthcare that costs more.  The courts provide injustice as they block obviously lawful acts of the President because they didn’t like his rhetoric while a candidate.  What is the long and short of all this obstructionism?  The political class and their allies in the chatocracy are determined to reverse the results of the 2016 election.  Or at least to bog the administration down with trumped up investigations to the point they’re paralyzed and ineffective.  Why?  Because they didn’t win and they can’t allow a non-politician to succeed that’s why.

For years the political hucksters told us we had to lower our expectations.  They told us we had to make amends and pay reparations for all the evil we’d done.  We had a president making apology tours, bowing to foreign rulers, and in general doing all he could to fulfill the dreams of his anti-colonial father.

Finally we have a leader who believes America can be great again.  Finally we have a leader who proudly says we should believe in, project, and defend America first.  This is just too much for the apparatchiks who hang on like a drowning man to a life preserver to the levers of power in the bureaucratic Rube Goldberg machine that is the federal behemoth.

How do we break the log jam?

Enter my new political party, the Telephone Book Party.  Every two years we pick the first 535 names out of a phone book and that’s our congress.  Then two years later we try another phone book.  At least we’d have some regular people and maybe even a few working people in there instead of these feather-bedding plutocrat wannabes making laws for everyone else that don’t apply to them.

Seriously we have to do something to break out of the death spiral.  If the deadweight would get out of the way and pass a simple healthcare fix such as Senator Cruz’s suggestion of allowing insurance companies to offer affordable policies without all the required Obamacare bells and whistles.  If they would pass tax reform and build the wall President Trump would soar to the top of the polls.  So, you can be assured none of that is going to happen.

What can we do?  We rallied in unprecedented numbers to elect a non-politician to break the cycle and rejuvenate the American dream of personal freedom and economic opportunity.  You can see how well that’s going?

If the Constitution was written expressly to institute and maintain a limited government and we have what we have how can we say it’s a success at the moment?  Dare we say it, the Constitution has failed.  Perhaps it’s time to reassess the social contract by which we order and live our lives.  If ¾ of the States call for a convention to consider amendments according to Article V of the Constitution such a convention shall convene.  Currently twelve States have voted for such a convention.  Thirty-four are needed.  Many fear such a convention.  However, if what we have now is no longer working why should we hesitate?  The Founders and the Framers didn’t hesitate.  They did what was needed to birth this great experiment in human freedom.  Should we hesitate to re-birth it now that it’s become ossified with precedent and political machinations?

We need to plumb the depths of our hearts and the recesses of our souls to find the courage and fortitude to rebuild the walls and pinnacles of human freedom.  Just as the ridiculed advice of drill baby drill led us from energy subservience to energy dominance maybe we need a new deck and not just a new deal?

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com © 2017 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com  Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens



When Your Strategy Doesn’t Work Check Your Tactics July 19, 2017

Posted by Dr. Robert Owens in Politics, Politiocal Philosophy.
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The Republican House voted more than fifty times to repeal Obummercare. Even the Republican Senate did the same thing a few times while the Progressives’ Obamassiah was running the State and not just the Deep State.  Now that the Republicans have the whole shooting match they can’t seem to hit the target.

Maybe it’s the strategy of doing it all in one BIG omnibus bill filled with payoffs, bribes, and meant to restructure the entire healthcare industry in one fell swoop that is causing the problem.  I know, I know the perpetually re-elected love their omnibus mega-bills just because they can shoehorn in massive payoffs and bribes without anyone being the wiser, but this just isn’t working.

Besides if the vote in November was for anything it was for ending business as usual.  It was for reining in the two-headed Republicrat bird of prey.  It was for righting the Ship of State before it crashes on the reef of bankruptcy.  It was for taking control of our Republic from the technocrats and the professional socialist redistributionist hustlers and returning it to the hands of those who work to make America great, again.

Obviously from the on-going “There’s a Russian Under Every Bush” reality show in Congress the inmates are still running the asylum in the capital of the world.  The Republican variety of Progressives after all their valiant efforts to repeal Obummercare when there was no chance it would actually repeal Obummercare don’t really want to remove the governments talons from one sixth of our economy.

An axiom of socialist logic is that once an entitlement is enacted it can never be repealed because the people become strung-out on the idea that someone owes them something.  Have you ever tried taking candy from a baby or a bone from a dog?  It adds up to about the same thing as trying to convince people addicted to free stuff that they don’t need the free stuff.

We have a President who wants to fulfill his campaign promises.  He wants to repeal Obummercare and replace it with sensible free market solutions, he wants to lower taxes for working people and small businesses, he wants to allow Corporations to re-patriate the hundreds of billions locked up overseas because of confiscatory taxes at home, and he wants to build the wall.  He wants to do all these things, and if he was able to do them we would once again have a health care system that is dynamic, cutting edge and providing the best care for the most people, the economy would take off like a rocket, and with the tide of migration stopped those who are here would have the breathing space to assimilate and become Americans.  If he could accomplish these things he would be a shoe-in for re-election and end up as one of the most successful presidents in History.  This is exactly why the best Congress money can buy will never pass any of these things.

Instead the plutocrats of the Potomac are playing legislative games.  They are using their Omnibus hand-jive to mask the fact that their repeal doesn’t really repeal very much.  They want to keep the taxes, keep the mandates, and keep the subsidies.  They want to bail out the insurance companies, payoff their donors, and pad the bill with bribes for every lobbyist and special interest group with enough clout to get skin in the game.

Luckily we have some watchmen on the walls who are using every megaphone they can find to warn us about the sow’s ear being passed off as a silk purse.  Senators like Rand Paul and Mike Lee are leading the fight.  Congressmen like Dave Brat are speaking truth to power and shining a light in the darkness.

If the Republicans were really serious about repeal and replace they wouldn’t use the omnibus absurdity, but they would instead deal with this in bite size chunks.  Repeal Obummercare and return the country to the status quo ante.  Then pass individual bills to make the changes they want to see.  For instance one bill to provide pre-existing condition coverage, another to allow insurance companies to sell across state lines, another for tort reform, another to streamline the FDA, etc.

All these bills could be just a few pages long written in Standard English instead of the hundreds and thousands of pages of insurance speak that clutter the omnibus monstrosities.

In other words, when your strategy doesn’t work check your tactics.  If the Mitch, Paul, and the GOP Pretenders were serious about fulfilling the campaign promises they made they would give us a hundred little victories instead of one major defeat.  But if they did that President Trump would succeed.  And if President Trump succeeds he points out the fact that we don’t need these professional politicians to run our world.  We can run it just fine ourselves.

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com © 2017 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com  Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens






Today it’s Eurasia Tomorrow it’s Eastasia July 13, 2017

Posted by Dr. Robert Owens in Politics, Politiocal Philosophy.
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If you’ve never read George Orwell’s 1984 you might miss this reference.  It exposes the unreal reality show that’s called foreign relations by some and “The Great Game” by those who play it.  The USSR was Hitler’s mortal enemy until he signed a non-aggression pact which lasted until he invaded.

Today the show must go on and for the show to go on there must be a villain.  Enter the “NEW” Hitler.

The Media Cartel constantly pushes Russia forward as our enemy and their leader Vladimir Putin as the new Hitler.  We are told he constantly attacks freedom wherever it is found and that he is trying to re-create that failed socialist nightmare, the USSR.

What Putin says as opposed to what we’re told he says:

From his annual Christmas press conference in 2016 here are some excerpts of what our modern day Hitler had to say.

In a nearly four-hour question and answer session, the Russian president held forth on the state of his country and the world, saying that there is an international push for a New World Order that will “remove national sovereignty” and “destroy identity and of God-created diversity.” 

To reach this goal, Putin states that Western elites have begun rejecting the roots that their society was built on.

Many Western states have taken the way where they deny or reject their own roots, including their Christian roots which form the basis of Western civilization. In these countries, the moral basis and any traditional identity are being denied – national, religious, cultural and even gender identities are being denied or relativized.”

In these countries, the moral basis and any traditional identity are being denied – national, religious, cultural and even gender identities are being denied or relativized. There, politics treats a family with many children as equal to a homosexual partnership (juridically).

The excesses and exaggerations of political correctness in these countries indeed leads to serious consideration for the legitimization of parties that promote the propaganda of pedophilia.

“The people in many European states are actually ashamed of their religious affiliations and are indeed frightened to speak about them.”

Putin says that the situation has become so extreme in Western culture, that people are now taught that “Faith in God is equal to faith in Satan”. To say otherwise would be to risk being politically incorrect — the great crime of our age.

Christian holidays and celebrations are abolished or ‘neutrally’ renamed, as if one were ashamed of those Christian holidays. With this method one hides away the deeper moral values of these celebrations.

“And these countries try to force this model onto other countries, globally. I am deeply convinced that this is a direct way to the degradation and primitivization of culture. This leads to deeper demographic and moral crisis in the West. What can be a better evidence for the moral crisis of a human society (in the West) than the loss of its reproductive function?

Today nearly all ‘developed’ Western countries cannot survive reproductively, not even with the help of migrants.

Without the moral values that are rooted in Christianity and other world religions, without rules and moral values which have formed and been developed over millennia, people will inevitably lose their human dignity.”

Putin was unapologetic about Russia’s determination to defend Western values.

And we think it is right and natural to defend and preserve these moral (Christian) values.”

At the same time as this process at a national level in the West, we observe on an international level the attempts to create a unipolar, unified model of the world, to relativize and remove institutions of international right and national sovereignty. 

“In such a unified, unipolar world there is no place for sovereign states. Such a world needs merely vassals. 

“From a historical perspective, such a unipolar world would mean the surrender of one’s own identity and of God-created diversity.”

Does that sound like Hitler to you?  If it does perhaps you should re-read Mein Kampf because it doesn’t quite read the same to me.  Many of these are the same comments made by conservatives in America.  The multicultural politically correct progressives are leading the West down the primrose path to cultural destruction.

Instead of the moral fiber to stand up for and defend Western values and civilization we are offered the corrupt substitute of the Neocons, war.  We may have the most powerful armies and the most destructive weapons.  But are they being used to defend who we are.  Or are they being used to feather the nests of oligarchs and plutocrats who live in gated communities and will never be impacted by the mess they are making?

The Political/Military/Industrial/Media Complex always needs an enemy.  They must have a villain if they are to sell there shopworn tales to the gullible.  Today it’s Eurasia.  Tomorrow it’s Eastasia.  Yesterday it was Saddam.  Today it’s Putin.

Supporting what America stands for does not necessarily translate into blindly supporting who stands for America.

This is not an article promoting Vladimir Putin as anything besides what he is, the nationalistic leader of Russia.  It is an article pointing out that in many ways we are being sold a bill of goods.

There is turmoil in the Ukraine and Crimea has rejoined Russia not because the new Hitler invaded but because of American instigation of a coup against a democratically elected president and the installation of a handpicked replacement.  It is America and not Russia that is acting contrary to the accepted laws of the UN in Syria.  Russia is the ally of the UN recognized government.  The USA operates in contravention of the UN rules of engagement.

The Neocons and their army of Deep State Bureaucrats continue to plot, propagandize, and manipulate no matter who is in power.

We don’t need to be the straw man or the cat’s paw for any backroom gang of ideologues.   What we need is what we voted for, “America First!’ and “Make America Great Again!”  Let’s not get sidetracked into a war with Russia, China, Iran, or Bolivia.

We need our president doing what he does best inspiring Middle America.  I am fan of inspirational words and The Donald knows how to ring my bell.  In his speech to the Polish people he said, “The West became great not because of paperwork and regulations but because people were allowed to chase their dreams and pursue their destinies.”

Hopefully our president will see through all the blah-blah-blah in the Media, in Congress, and among the Deep State Government Party hacks.  Keep the peace and allow us the freedom to chase our dreams and pursue our destinies.

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com © 2017 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com  Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens


Exposing the ABCCBSNBCCNNMSNBCPBSNPR Cartel July 11, 2017

Posted by Dr. Robert Owens in Politics, Politiocal Philosophy.
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Recent revelations by the last investigative reporter in America, James O’Keefe the founder of Project Veritas, expose the Corporations Once Known as the Mainstream Media; the ABCCBSNBCCNNMSNBCPBSNPR Cartel for what it is. A conglomeration of private and publicly sponsored corporations dedicated to leading us from America to Amerika.

When Project Veritas released a fourth secretly recorded video episode in its CNN series.  In this episode, the presstitutes’ worst nightmare of reality TV, a Project Veritas reporter spoke with CNN associate producer Jimmy Carr who according to his LinkedIn page has been with CNN since 2013 as a production assistant and associate producer.  In the video Carr doesn’t appear to know he’s being recorded.  The Veritas reporter asks if it “would be fair to question the intellect of the American voter.”

“Oh, no. They’re stupid as s—,” replied the CNN “New Day” associate producer.

Carr went on, “On the inside, we all recognize he is a clown, that he is hilariously unqualified for this, he’s really bad at this, and that he does not have America’s best interests,” said Carr.

“We recognize he’s just f—ing crazy.”

“Here’s the deal: This is a man who’s not actually a Republican,” Carr continued. “He just adopted that because that was the party he thought he could win in. He doesn’t believe anything that these people believe.”

“Ninety percent of us are on board with just the fact that he’s crazy,” he added.

Project Veritas also released a video of a medical producer at CNN saying that while he believes the Trump-Russia narrative is “bulls—,” CEO Jeff Zucker has instructed his employees to focus on it to help boost the network’s ratings.

According to Washington Free Beacon, in the video, CNN producer John Bonifield said the network’s focus on potential ties between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia is based on ratings.  The pull quotes are amazing.

“I mean, it’s mostly bullshit right now. Like, we don’t have any big giant proof,” Bonifield said of the Russia story. It is unclear when he made the statement.

“And so I think the president is right to say, like, ‘Look, you are witch-hunting me. You have no smoking gun. You have no real proof,'” Bonifield said.

Once again according to Washington Free Beacon, Bonfield explained that ratings motivate CNN’s focus on the Russia story. Asked why the network aired so much Russia coverage, Bonifield said, “It’s ratings.”

“Our ratings are incredible right now,” he added.

Bonifield also said that the emphasis on Russia came from upper management. He detailed a meeting in which President Jeff Zucker advised staff to focus on the Paris climate accord for a day and a half before returning to Russia.

“The CEO of CNN said in our internal meeting, he said, ‘Good job everybody covering the climate accords, but we’re done with it. Let’s get back to Russia,'” Bonifield said.

Bonifield described a jaded business culture at CNN and in cable news generally.

“All the nice cutesy little ethics that used to get talked about in journalism school, you’re just like, ‘That’s adorable, that’s adorable. This is a business,'” he said.

“They gotta do what they gotta do to make their money,” Bonifield added. “And so I love the news business, but I am very cynical about it. At the same time, so are most of my colleagues.”

Bonifield said that CNN would have turned off its liberal viewers if the network strongly scrutinized former President Barack Obama, but Trump is “good for business.”

In Part Two of the current series of O’Keefe videos Van Jones the professional leftist and former Obama Administration official is stopped on the street and filmed.  Here is how the conversation between the Project Veritas journalist and Jones progressed:

PV Journalist: “Hey man, we met in Palm Springs a few years back.”

Van Jones: “Hey good to see you man, you good?”

PV Journalist: “What do you think is going to happen this week with the whole Russia thing?”

Van Jones: “The Russia thing is just a big nothing burger.”

PV Journalist: “Really?”

Van Jones: “Yeah.”

So what does all this fake news and political propaganda add up to?

We now have a Special Counselor investigating obstruction of justice when there was no underlying crime to begin with.  How can that fail to bring justice for the American people?  My prediction: They will convict someone of something.

We all know that there were people working day and night to corrupt our electoral process in 2016.  It was Clinton and the DNC Ratpack out to stack the deck against socialist Bernie Sanders.  And there was obstruction of justice too in the deleting of email evidence.

However the truth doesn’t fit the playbook of the left.  They’re determined to reverse the results of the 2016 election because they didn’t win.

The presstitutes tell us that O’Keefe is not to be believed.  That he is disreputable and underhanded.  A tactic right out of their guru Saul Alinsky, attack the messenger.  They can’t deny what they’ve said because we can see and hear them as they speak.  So just like the hacked emails they want us to look at how the information was gathered so we won’t realize the information exposes them for what they are, the media megaphone for the Democrat Party, the ABCCBSNBCCNNMSNBCPBSNPR Cartel.

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com © 2017 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com  Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens