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Fear is the Opposite of Faith  March 26, 2020

Posted by Dr. Robert Owens in Politics, Politiocal Philosophy, Religion, Uncategorized.
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As we wander through the wilderness of the coronavirus pandemic it’s a perfect opportunity to realize God is in control.  We may think we’re the masters of the universe but in fact we aren’t.  God is.

Humanity has built a planet wide civilization.  Our machines transform deserts, harness the wind, and connect everyone in an ever-growing web of communication and information.  Our planes fill the skies.  Our ships fill the seas.  We’ve walked on the moon, sent robot ships to Mars and the other planets, flung satellites out of the solar system, touched the bottom of the Mariana Trench, and built permanent habitations in Antarctica.  Humanity stands proudly at the apex of life on earth as we cower before an unseen enemy and wage a war against a virus.  Our leaders tell us we’ll win this war while in the back of everyone’s mind dwells the thought, “Someday we may face another virus or germ that will wipe us out.”

We live on a rock hurtling through space.  Even a brief study of geology, paleontology, and astronomy makes it abundantly clear we live in a cosmic pinball machine.  Over and over large asteroids have smashed into the earth often bringing an end to most life and signaling the beginning of a new epoch in the planets 4.5-billion-year history.  It isn’t a question of if.  It is a question of when.

And if species eliminating pandemics and globe shattering collisions aren’t enough, there are super volcanoes lurking around the planet waiting like alarm clocks to explode and wake us from our blissful dream of ruling creation.

When we ponder our current situation, it might not be too far off to say, “This may not be the end of the world, but you can see it from here.”

With that thought in mind we might want to meditate on The Living Bible’s rendition of Proverbs 19:1, “Man proposes, But God disposes.”

The coronavirus pandemic rages all around us.  The government has us isolated, locked down, watching infection charts and mortality rates wondering what happens next.  As we fixate on survival, wishing we’d been crazy enough to be a prepper before being a prepper was cool, off in the distance our mind’s eye tries to envision the New Normal the media echo-chamber tells us is on the other side.

The easiest thing to do is to allow fear a toehold in our lives.  Fear of catching the virus.  Fear of our loved ones catching the virus.  Fear of losing our jobs.  Fear of watching our carefully constructed lives wither on the vine.  Fear of not having enough money, food, hand sanitizer, or toilet paper to make it through the blast.  Fear, fear, fear seems to be all the “If it bleeds it leads” news media offer wall-to-wall 24/7.

A wise woman told me that Fear is the captain of legions of other foul spirits such as greed and selfishness.  Look at how many have responded to this crisis and you see those in bondage to Fear and its minions cleaning off shelves, ignoring shelter-in-place orders, and partying like there’s no tomorrow.

Let me show you a better way.  Fear is the opposite of faith.  Choose faith and live.

We know that most of the things we worry about never happen.  Why waste our time worrying when we can instead walk in faith and have peace?  God tells us not to worry more times than He tells us not to steal and we all know what stealing is.  There’s a formula for peace.  It’s like a recipe.  We can follow it and bake it into our lives.  “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

I’m a Christian.  I believe Jesus is the divine incarnation who came to pay the penalty for sin.  He lived a perfect life, died a substitutionary death, rose from the dead conquering sin and death for all humanity.  I believe He ascended into heaven, is seated at the right hand of our Father the Creator, and that He’s coming again to judge the living and the dead.  I believe all that as strongly as I believe I’m typing these words right now.  This is the foundation of my reality.  This is my faith.  Faith banishes fear.

If you’re tired of living your life in fear join me in a walk of faith.  To begin a new life in Christ is easy, because the sacrifice of Christ has paid the price of admission.  All you need to do is confess Jesus as the leader of your life and believe in your heart the God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved.  That’s it.  That’s all there is to it.

I’m not saying once we confess and believe we’ll skip down the primrose path with never a problem, a challenge, or a defeat until we dance our way through the Pearly Gates.  What I’m saying is once we confess and believe we can rest assured no matter what happens we’re in God’s hand and no one and no thing can ever snatch us out.  The viruses, asteroids, and volcanoes might come but our future is secure in the everlasting promises of God.

After we confess and believe we’re still facing all the same challenges we faced before, but now we have faith instead of fear.  Now we know that when we pray God hears our prayers.  In the natural we look to the government to save us.  But the government is of the world and the world is passing away.  All things will pass. Only those things in Christ will last.  Reject the transitory dying things of the world and embrace the life that’s in the Spirit of Christ.

Embrace the faith.  Defeat the fear.  And remember the recipe, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

It may feel like prayer is all we have.  Luckily prayer is all we need.  Faith is the answer.  Prayer is the key.  Why worry when you can pray?

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, Global Studies, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com  © 2020 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com   Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens or visit Dr. Owens Amazon Page / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens



Democrats Prescribe Cure Worse Than the Disease  March 24, 2020

Posted by Dr. Robert Owens in Politics, Politiocal Philosophy, Uncategorized.
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Our president has taken bold and dramatic action to fight the war against the invisible enemy.  He was the first to step forward taking action to ban flights from China, the source of the problem.   The Democrats who identify as journalists and ones who infest our Congress called him a racist for that.  They were so busy trying to impeach him for seeking to  investigate Swampy Joe’s Ukrainian Quid pro quo blackmail stunt they didn’t have time to notice the emerging threat to life as we know it.

Now after the best economy America’s ever seen has stalled out because of the pandemic Nancy, Chuck, and their minions are attempting to implement Rahm Emmanuel’s cynical advice to Obama during the 2008-9 meltdown, “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”

President Trumpworks day and night to marshal every resource at America’s disposal while working within our federalist system in the fight against the global Coronavirus pandemic.  He’s repeatedly expressed his gratitude to our nation’s local leaders, doctors, nurses, law enforcement, and first responders who are waging this battle on the ground.  He knows they need all the help they can get.  He also knows American workers, businesses, and American families deserve immediate relief and certainty as they face this unprecedented and difficult situation.

President Trump has told Congress repeatedly to send him a bill that will protect our economy, our jobs, and our family’s futures from this global pandemic.  Senate Republicans have stood up and said they’re ready to send a relief bill to the President’s desk.  The Democrats have now voted it down twice in what Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell denounced as “absolutely mindless obstruction.”

Instead of passing a clean bill which addresses the needs of the nation Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer takes advantage of Senate rules to block passage of the relief bill.  Over in the House Speaker Pelosi unveils a monstrosity of a Christmas Tree pork laden substitute that goes on for 1,119 pages.  Here is a partial list of what the Kleptocrats want to shove down our throat:

  1. $300 million in funding for public broadcasting.
  1. Expansive new tax credits for solar and wind energy.
  1. New emissions standards for airlines and a requirement for full carbon offset by 2025.
  1. Required same-day voter registration and early voting.
  1. Bailouts for the U.S. Postal Service, the union pension fund and student loans.
  1. Retirement plans for community newspaper employees.
  1. Publication of corporate pay statistics by race, and race statistics for all corporate boards.
  1. A $1 billion “Cash for Clunkers”-style program where the government buys planes from airlines.
  1. $1.5 million to study climate change mitigation efforts in civil aviation and aerospace industries.

10.New and burdensome OSHA requirements on hospitals.

  1. $1 billion to build on a program expanded by President Barack Obama that provides discounted phone service for low-income consumers.
  2. Publication of corporate pay statistics by race and race statistics for all corporate boards
  3. Provisions on official time for union collective bargaining
  4. Publication and reporting of greenhouse gas statistics for individual flights
  5. Retirement plans for community newspaper employees
  6. Federal $15 minimum wage
  7. Permanent paid leave
  8. Study on climate change mitigation efforts

What does any of that have to do with helping secure America during this fight for our survival?

This power play makes it abundantly clear the Democrats in Congress aren’t interested in rescuing our country. They don’t care about rescuing our economy.  The only thing they want to rescue is their hyper- partisan agenda.  And these advocates of social engineering and personal power are willing to hold America hostage to do it.  As House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) reportedly told Democrats on a conference call last week we should exploit the coronavirus stimulus saying, “This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.”

Now is not time for partisan politics.  It’s not the time to play politics as usual.  And it’s certainly not the time to exploit a crisis for political gain.  Now is the time for the political class to pull their heads out of the swamp, listen to the President, and finish good-faith negotiations to deliver economic and healthcare support to working Americans.

President Trump has asked every American to do their part to help slow the spread of Coronavirus.  He’s asked everyone not involved in the critical infrastructure to stay home and to practice social distancing.  Most of us have answered the call.  Now it’s time for the career politicians to do the same thing.  No more excuses.  No more delays.  Quit playing politics with the life and health of Americans and America.  Do your job.

I urge everyone who has a Democrat for their Representative or Senator to contact them and tell them you want a clean relief package without all the giveaways to special interests passed and sent to President Trump now, today, and without delay.  If they won’t listen now remember November is coming.  Maybe they’ll hear us then?

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, Global Studies, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com  © 2020 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com   Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens or visit Dr. Owens Amazon Page / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens





President Trump Winning Admirers in Strange Places  March 18, 2020

Posted by Dr. Robert Owens in Politics, Politiocal Philosophy, Uncategorized.
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A global pandemic ricochets around the world.  Suddenly we find ourselves someplace we never thought we’d be.  The world shuts down, millions isolated, separated, and alone.  Basic commodities cleaned off shelves by consumers who just yesterday were laughing at preppers who now sit back calmly ready for a world turned upside down for possibly months.

Our president spent his life as a real estate developer who has changed the skylines of cities around the world.  One skill that any successful Real Estate developer, like any producer of major films, must acquire is crisis management.  Even a short course on crisis management will show that President Trump is a master at it.  He’s assembled a team of widely accepted experts, he’s taking decisive actions aimed directly at the root and branches of the current Corona virus crisis, and he’s holding regular briefings to keep all major stake-holders up-to-date on what is happening and what is being done.

Even though as soon as he’s done with his daily briefing the Democrats who identify as journalists for the Corporations Once Known as the Mainstream Media follow close on his heels often saying he said the exact opposite of what he said the President is winning admirers in strange places.

CNN’s chief political correspondent Dana Bash commented on the president’s Oval Office address and Corona press briefing saying, “If you look at the big picture, this was remarkable from the president of the United States. This is a non-partisan — this is an important thing to note, and to applaud from an American standpoint — from a human standpoint. He is being the kind of leader that people need, at least in tone, today, and yesterday, in tone that people need and want and yearn for in times of crisis and uncertainty.”

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo praised the Trump administration’s efforts to handle the corona virus outbreak on Tuesday, “His team is on it. They’ve been responsive,” Cuomo said at a press conference. “I want to say thank you.”  Going further, the Democrat governor said that he spoke to Trump on Tuesday and that the president is “100 percent sincere” in his desire to work with the state to control the virus outbreak, which has mushroomed in the U.S. over the past week.  He added, “The administration is ready and willing to help, especially on the hospital capacity issue.”

On Sunday (3-7-20) Gov. Gavin Newsom of California, a Democrat and one of Mr. Trump’s most vocal critics, at a news conference praised Mr. Trump, saying of the president “He said everything I could have hoped for.  We had a very long conversation and every single thing he said, they followed through on.”  The governor added, “We are very grateful for this partnership.” Newsom also said he has received “consistent” support from Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, who is leading the administration’s response to the Corona virus outbreak.

From a slightly less surprising source, the experts he’s assembled President Trump is also receiving high marks.

Seema Verma, the administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services was asked by FOX News whether she was concerned that there could be patients who don’t get a ventilator — or if actual physical equipment that is needed to serve the people who get sick is out there? She answered, “And that’s why the President has taken such bold and decisive action. We’re not waiting for this to get worse. We’re not waiting for this to be a crisis in our health care systems.”

Dr. Robert Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, accompanied the president to the CDC’s headquarters in Atlanta last Friday.  When he was asked to address the press he took the opportunity to lavish praise on the man standing next to him.  “First, I want to thank you for your decisive leadership in helping us, you know, put public health first,” Redfield said.  “I also want to thank you for coming here today and sort of encouraging and bringing energy to the men and women that you see that work every day to try to keep America safe. So, I think that’s the most important thing I want to say, sir,” Redfield added.

On Wednesday 3-17 at his daily presser President Trump called the Corona virus fight “a war against an invisible enemy.”  As ever sounding the encouraging note he went on to say, “One day we’ll be standing up here and say, ‘Well, we won.’ And we’re going to say that, as sure as you’re sitting there, we’re going to win. And I think we’re going to win faster than people think, I hope.”  He added, “If we do this right, our country, and the world, frankly, but our country can be rolling again pretty quickly.  Pretty quickly.”

Even such a virulent and vocal critic of the President such as Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar in a series of tweets heaps praise on President Trump’s handling of the Coronavirus pandemic, saying it was “incredible and the right response in this critical time.”

Omar quoted Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., as saying “unprecedented times require unprecedented leadership” adding, “we are seeing that in our country right now.”

She concluded her praise by adding, “Finally, we should never let politics get in the way of good policy.  This is a great start and hope others will be part of a united front to push for good policies that will help us work through the economic anxiety the country is feeling right now.”

Omar’s final reflections were a response to a post by The Intercept’s Lee Fang, who tweeted: “Trump suspending mortgage foreclosures, demanding cash payments to Americans, now invoking the Defense Production Act to force private firms to produce needed supplies is incredible. Kind of a shell shock for anyone who reported on any economic policies in the Obama years.”

All I can add is Amen.

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, Global Studies, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com  © 2020 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com   Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens or visit Dr. Owens Amazon Page / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens



Veteran’s Benefits Aren’t Entitlements  March 10, 2020

Posted by Dr. Robert Owens in Politics, Politiocal Philosophy, Uncategorized.
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Federal law requires everyone who enlists in the Armed Forces of the United States to take the enlistment oath.  The oath is traditionally performed in front of the United States Flag.  Everyone who has ever worn the uniform has said:

“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

When every veteran took this oath to defend our country, our Constitution, and our way of life they presented the nation with a blank check to serve and protect We the People.  That check was written with their lives, their bodies, and their sacred honor.  They pledged to give their all.  And as the saying goes, “All gave some.  Some gave all.”

Those of us who have enjoyed generations of peace need to acknowledge our country is the home of the free because of the brave.  We live our tranquil lives unmolested by hordes lurking beyond our borders who would love to pillage the richest nation the world has ever seen.  From the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Normandy from Flanders Field, Inchon, Khe Sanh, Fallujah, and ten thousand nameless battlefields in-between America’s best and brightest have fought selflessly and heroically.

Often, they’ve come home and quietly taken up their lives unrecognized by those of us who reap the benefits of their sacrifice.  Sometimes they’ve been ridiculed, belittled, and even spat upon for the debt they paid for the rest of us.  Mostly they’ve been forgotten.  The benefits promised by a government swift to call and send but slow to remember were often second-rate, slow in coming, or denied all together.  Administration after administration paid lip-service to our veterans while doling out benefits with a stingy hand.

But then came Trump.

Since his inauguration President Trump works tirelessly to provide the benefits and services our brave veterans deserve.  He seeks to keep the promises made to generations of veterans.  He’s leading the charge and winning the battle to finally give our heroes the homecoming they were promised, the one they’ve earned.

President Trump has declared, “My administration is committed to taking care of every warrior that returns home as a veteran.”  As a case in point President Trump is ensuring our veterans receive the student loan and educational benefits to which they are entitled and deserve.  He has previously noted the process by which our disabled veterans apply for Federal student loan discharges is too burdensome.  Which has led to this sad reality; only half of the roughly 50,000 disabled veterans qualified to have their Federal student loans discharged have received this entitled benefit.

Consequently, on August 21, 2019 the President signed a presidential memorandum ensuring our totally and permanently disabled veterans obtain the Federal student loan debt discharges they’re entitled. The memorandum directs the Secretaries of Education and Veterans Affairs to develop a new expedited process to help totally and permanently disabled veterans have their Federal student loan debt discharged with minimal burdens.  This combined with the Forever GI Bill which the President signed into law in 2017 allows individuals to access their veteran educational benefits at any point during their lifetime.

Turning to a more general assault on the stone wall standing for too long between our veterans and their earned benefits in June of 2017 the President signed into law the Veterans Affairs (VA) Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act, making it easier to fire failing VA employees and support whistle blowers.

Since the passage of this act, the VA has successfully fired more than 7,600 employees who’ve failed our veterans.  Previously the archaic rules of the bureaucratic swamp made it almost impossible to remove these roadblocks to the healthcare of veterans.   Using the new streamlined policies, the VA has instituted reforms to increase efficiency and decrease abuse.

Consequently, VA healthcare has now significantly improved since President Trump was elected and trust in VA outpatient health care has risen in all areas.

Building the foundations necessary to win the victory in his Battle for the Vets the President signed the VA MISSION Act.  This provides more healthcare options for veterans by consolidating existing programs and expanding access to care in veterans’ own communities.  Eligible Veterans can use VA health care services nationwide, including through mobile health clinics serving rural areas and via telehealth (care through a phone or computer). Under the MISSION Act, veterans have more ways to access health care.

This includes within the VA’s network and through approved non-VA medical providers in your community, called “community care providers.”  Depending on the situation for example, if a certain type of health service isn’t provided by VA the veteran may be able to go to a non-VA provider, using their VA coverage.  This is one way to break the logjam which kept so many deserving Vets waiting in line until they died.  Because of the reforms spearheaded by President Trump this is a victory for our heroes.

Stepping into a tragedy that unfolds in too many lives of those returning from service, President Trump signed a new Executive Order on a National Roadmap to Empower Veterans and End Veteran Suicide (PREVENTS) to address veteran suicide prevention. The executive order creates a new cabinet level task force led by VA Secretary Robert Wilkie. The task force will create a comprehensive public health road map bringing together local government along with the private sector to improve the quality of life for our Veterans and turn the tide on the Veteran suicide crisis.

“It is about pulling together the resources of the federal government, our states and localities our charities non-government organizations and coming together with a road map and resources,” said Secretary Wilkie.

The President said, “Our mission is to mobilize every level of American society to save the lives of our great veterans and support our veterans in need.”  The President added, “To every veteran I want you to know that you have an entire nation of more than 300 million people behind you. You will never ever be forgotten. We are with you all the way.”

And remembering Ronald Reagan’s famous quote, “The best social program is a productive job for anyone who’s willing to work,” thanks to the roaring Trump economy since the President’s election, veteran unemployment has been reduced to the lowest level ever recorded.

The VA Secretary Wilke also said, “I’ve said many times that the mission of the Department of Veterans Affairs is to remind our fellow citizens why they sleep soundly at night. They sleep soundly at night because of the sacrifices of a select number of their fellow Americans.”  This is a sentiment we would all do well to ponder.

The sum of all this adds up to one thing; Veteran’s benefits aren’t entitlements.  They’re payments for services rendered and the least a grateful nation can give to the faithful few who answered the call.

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, Global Studies, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com  © 2020 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com   Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens or visit Dr. Owens Amazon Page / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens



Trump’s MAGA Model on The World Stage  March 3, 2020

Posted by Dr. Robert Owens in Politics, Politiocal Philosophy, Uncategorized.
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We’ve all heard of the annual conference at the World Economic Forum (WEF) at Davos. The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.  It was established in 1971 as a not-for-profit foundation and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.

According to the WEF website, “It is independent, impartial, and not tied to any special interests. The Forum strives in all its efforts to demonstrate entrepreneurship in the global public interest while upholding the highest standards of governance.  Moral and intellectual integrity is at the heart of everything it does.”

On the other side critics such as Michael Ivanovitch, an independent analyst focusing on the world economy, geopolitics, and investment strategy describe the yearly conference in less than glowing terms.  In a recent interview Ivanovitch said, “The forum is a talking shop without any consequence for world affairs … On the economic front, you will just hear platitudes you’ve heard ‘x’ times already.”

Good or bad this is one of the major platforms in the world of international economics and finance.  Most of us out here in fly-over country may ignore it what with the Super Bowl and all, but the movers and shakers on the world stage attend or at least pay rapt attention to who’s moving and what’s shaking.  So of course, despite the ever-on-going slow motion coup grinding on in the Emerald City President Trump made his appearance as the biggest mover and shaker of all.  And he didn’t’ disappoint those of us who’re moved when he shakes up the collectivists plotting and planning to micromanage our lives.

Holding up the accomplishments of his America First agenda President Trump spoke of the rebirth of the American dream pointing to the success of economic nationalism in front of the globalist elites gathered at Davos.  The President cited the fact that since he was elected and thanks to his economic policies, America has gained over seven million jobs, currently has the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, and is experiencing rising wages and household incomes for the first time in decades.

At the annual conference in Switzerland according to the President it’s his economic nationalist agenda in a free market system that provides a successful model for the world not globalism.  In his speech, which should be the center stage for forward thinking discussion, Mr. Trump said, “A nation’s highest duty is to its own citizens.”  Trump also said, “Honoring this truth is the only way to build faith and confidence in the market system. Only when governments put their own people first will people be fully invested in their national futures.”  And, “A pro-worker, pro-citizen, pro-family agenda demonstrates how a nation can thrive when its communities, its companies, its government work together for the good of the whole nation.”

Then getting very specific President Trump continued, “Today I hold up the American model as an example to the world of a working system of free enterprise that will produce the most benefits for the most people in the 21st century and beyond.”  Speaking of how previous administrations negotiated we-lose-they-win trade deals that gutted America’s industrial base and impoverished our middle-class the President said, “I think it’s primarily the reason that I ran.”

Turning to those who tell us the sky is falling President Trump said, “We must reject the perennial prophets of doom and their predictions of the apocalypse. They are the heirs of yesterday’s foolish fortunetellers.”  Once again getting specific President Trump addressed the goals of their predictions of overpopulation, mass starvation, and an end of oil based on phony science and media hype saying, “These alarmists always demand the same thing, absolute power to dominate, transform, and control every aspect of our lives.”  He went on to declare unequivocally, “We will never let radical socialists destroy our economy, wreck our country or eradicate our liberty.”

Highlighting who the culprits are our President took aim at the metastasizing legions of bureaucrats spreading like a festering fog around the world having the courage to say, “Today I urge other nations to follow our example and liberate your citizens from the crushing weight of bureaucracy.”  Then in conclusion he let the world know America doesn’t want to control them instead he is shining a light on a successful way forward, “With that, you have to run your own countries the way you want.”

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, Global Studies, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com  © 2020 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com   Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens or visit Dr. Owens Amazon Page / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens