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Check and Mate July 31, 2014

Posted by Dr. Robert Owens in Politics, Politiocal Philosophy.
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According to Zach Taylor an outspoken former Tucson Sector Border Patrol agent who is the chairman of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers, “As the government allocates resources to South Texas, it is systematically leaving areas within the U.S., as well as vast swaths of land along the border, unguarded.”  Taylor continues, “This gives people that are trying to get their infrastructure, their personnel, their drugs, their dirty bombs, their biological weapons, their chemical weapons into the United States without being noticed” the opportunity to do so, “because this part of the border is open, it is not being controlled.”

Taylor also said, “If asymmetrical warfare is going to be successful, the first thing that has to be done is to compromise America’s defenses against invasion because they have to have their personnel inside the United States to affect the infrastructure… they have to affect the degeneration from inside the United States.”

By constantly focusing on the 10% that is apprehended, and by consistently referring to the 1%who are immigrant minors, the government and their media fellow-travelers draw the attention of most Americans away from the hundreds of thousands who evade capture.  No one knows how many of these people are gang members.  It is known that in Central America children as young as ten join these gangs and that the initiation for many is committing murder.  These are the poor but not innocent children who may be in a classroom with your own sons and daughters come September.

According to a June press release Taylor elaborated, “This is not a humanitarian crisis.  It is a predictable, orchestrated and contrived assault on the compassionate side of Americans by her political leaders that knowingly puts minor Illegal Alien children at risk for purely political purposes. Certainly, we are not gullible enough to believe that thousands of unaccompanied minor Central American children came to America without the encouragement, aid and assistance of the United States Government.”

Former Agent Taylor asked this pregnant question, “Will this heartless criminal exploitation of Central American infants and children finally awaken Americans to the ruse being foisted upon them by their government, the media and other interested parties, or has America lost her ability to stand up against the tyrants and do what is right rather than what is easy?”

Perhaps the most chilling thing Taylor had to say was, “It is a perfect military strategy. It doesn’t raise any eyebrows because we’re focused on the children, but we need to focus on our children, because this is asymmetrical warfare. Everything says it is. And the way the United States government is responding to it is concealing that fact from the American people.  In other words they’re assisting in the downfall of America, and you need to understand that.”

What is the real scope of this invasion?  According to Dan Patrick a Texas State Senator, “Every week, week after week, we’ve been averaging for the last year apprehending between six and ten thousand people a week.  If we apprehend eight or nine thousand a week, that’s more people than are born in Texas each week.” The Senator continued, “Now, we think we catch one out of every five. That means twenty five or thirty thousand are crossing the border, that we don’t catch.  Don’t focus on the numbers that are apprehended, that’s the ones we catch.”

Ronald Colburn, former national deputy chief of the U.S. Border Patrol says, “According to my sources, it appears that this administration is causing that [bottleneck] on purpose. So they [the Obama administration] may be saying they’re trying to resolve it, but they’re doing something different. They need to put their actions where their mouths are.”

According to a Pew Research study, “Even though the growth is higher among younger children, the bulk of unaccompanied children caught at the border remain teenagers. In fiscal year 2013, nine-in-ten minors apprehended at the border were teens. This share has dropped as the number of younger children making the dangerous trip has risen dramatically: In the first eight months of fiscal year 2014, 84% were teens.”

We are told every day all day by the Corporations Once Known as the Mainstream Media and the cable clones that this is an emergency.  Or as they say it, “THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!!”  Yet according to the Congressional Budget Office only $25 million out of the $4.3 billion request will be spent this year.  The CBO score conflicts with the argument of Democrats and Obama administration officials, that the money is urgently needed for border activities.  We are portrayed as heartless, as merely wanting to protect our own privilege while consigning the children to lives of hopeless poverty.  However the fact is that according to Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) the Senate Budget Committee’s ranking member, “Between 2000 and 2013, we lawfully issued almost 30 million work and immigrant visas. To put that number in perspective, 30 million is about the population of El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala combined.”

I believe it is time that those of us who believe in a traditional America and its values of limited government, personal liberty and economic freedom are honest with ourselves.  For the past 100 years when you compare the long game of the Progressives with the rest of us; we have been playing checkers and they have been playing chess.  Not only have they kept their end goals always in view through victory and defeat they have successfully captured education and media programming generations of people to if not think like them to at least accept the soundness of their premise: government can be all things to all people.  In this game of chess that we never realized we were playing, the current invasion, plotted and planned well in advance, may well be check and checkmate.  How can we ever recover from an influx of millions of new progressive supporters and voters shipped around the country to the districts needed to sway elections?  How are we ever going to come back from this?

Abraham Lincoln told us, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

Europe committed suicide in two fratricidal world wars.  We have allowed hubris abroad and greed at home to lead us down the same path.  By establishing a world-girdling empire of nation building money pits and a centrally planned redistributionist attempt at utopia at home we have stifled freedom and killed the golden goose.  Now the preplanned crisis in the south is delivering the plurality of low information voters to seal the deal.

Finally a plan by the Obama Administration to save the children from the train of death, pick them up in their home countries and fly the directly to the districts where democratic voters are most needed. As far as political theater this comes under the “You’ve got to be kidding me” category. And as a bonus once the children are here we will need to bring their parents along to help preserve the family. And now the undocumented democrats are demanding representation at any White House meetings designed to determine their fate. They plan to protest in front of the White House until their demands are met with no fear of arrest. Has Monty Python taken over this country? How can living in the shadows include public demonstrations and representation in the government?

We cry about the people who have broken all the rules of our checker game while they move our pawns to the welfare line, our knights to the unemployment line, our rooks our bishops and our queen to the sidelines, and our king to the deadline.  Check and mate.

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion. He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com © 2014 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens


Why Have a Bill of Rights ? July 24, 2014

Posted by Dr. Robert Owens in Politics, Politiocal Philosophy.
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In any free society that area of life which is left to the sole discretion of the individual includes all actions that are not specifically forbidden by a general law.

In our nation when it came time for the ratification of the Constitution it would have been impossible to gain the votes needed if the backers of a centralized national government had not promised that the first thing they did was pass a Bill of Rights.  It had been asserted by the proponents of liberty that to enumerate such a list would eventually become a statement that only those rights enumerated were protected.  However, it was generally believed certain rights were so important and so open to suppression that fundamental guarantees were needed.  In consequence the Constitution was lengthened to include the first ten amendments as the opening business of Congress.

Over time the argument that these enumerated rights would come to be seen as the only ones protected has certainly come to pass, which is another of the assertions of the Anti-Federalists that have stood the test of time.  However, it has also been shown that without these constitutional protections these enumerated rights would have long ago been relegated to the ash heap of History.

Even with the protection of the Bill of Rights there has been a steady chipping away at the rights our forefathers thought were so important.  A Supreme Court that has abrogated onto itself the power to nullify the will of the people as expressed in legislation and to invent rights that are nowhere enumerated debates whether or not “shall not be infringed” really means it is legal to restrict.

In our age of seemingly endless technological change we must admit that any enumerated list of rights cannot be complete.  What about surveillance?  Does our right to privacy which has been asserted to allow tens of millions of abortions extend to our growing Orwellian Omni-present surveillance state?  Does the state have a right to follow us with drones?  To kill us without due process?  To collect our emails, our phone calls or keep a ledger of where we go?  Under President Bush people demonstrated because his administration wanted to see the records of library withdrawals.  Under President Obama the populace is silent about the most egregious violations of our rights.

What about the rights of the States?  Do they have the right to be protected from invasion?  Do they have the right to pass and enforce laws that call for local agencies to enforce the federal laws that the central government refuses to enforce?   Ever since the 17th Amendment stripped the States of their representation in Congress our federal system has been debilitated to the point of paralysis.  Today the central government runs roughshod over the States demanding that they stand by helplessly as their citizens are harassed and their sovereignty is evaporated.

If the Bill of Rights is to remain as any type of bulwark against tyranny it must be accepted that they contain a general assumption that government is restrained from infringing upon the traditional rights that we have enjoyed.  If we stand ideally by while our rights are redefined to irrelevance we will one day wake up to find ourselves in a prison camp we once called the United States of America.

We have experienced over the course of the last two hundred years that the Constitution could be no more than a somewhat porous protection from the assumption of total power by a centralized government.  Today we endure levels of control and taxation that make the causes of our own Revolution pale in comparison.  It is hard not to believe that if Washington, Henry, and that generation were with us today they wouldn’t be issuing declarations and raising the alarm, “The totalitarians are coming!  The Totalitarians are coming!!”

The only protection of this creeping corruption of our constitutionally limited government is an informed public.  If the people sleep the tyrants dream.  They dream of ordering society to match whichever version of a utopian pyramid scheme they adopt to fool the people.  It matters little whether they call it communism, fascism, or progressivism a re-education camp is a prison by another name.  It matters little whether we call it censorship or political correctness.  It matters little whether we call it taxes or penalties.  It matters little whether we call it coercion or regulation.

What does matter is whether we are truly free or free only in name.  Can we do what we want or can we merely do what is allowed?

Outside of the bounds of the constitutionally established amendment process the Progressives have used the fiction of a Living Document to make the Constitution a dead letter.  Executive orders, signing statements, court decisions, and the bewildering framework of regulation stretch the power of government while restricting the freedom of the people.

Empires rise and empires fall.  Some fall due to invasion and some due to suicide.  The European Empires committed suicide in two fratricidal World Wars that destroyed their cities and left their people shell-shocked and unwilling to bear the burden of power.

Today we watch while our great republic jettisons the world girdling empire it inherited from the exhausted Europeans.  We stand mute as our leaders abandon the leadership not only of the free world but of the world itself.  Not for the noble cause of reasserting freedom at home but instead because we have spent ourselves into bankruptcy with bread and circuses to amuse the masses while a clique of elites concentrates power.  We have empty suits leading representatives who have gerrymandered their way to perpetual election presiding over an unelected bureaucracy that rules by decree.

Does liberty still ring or has the bell finally cracked beyond repair?  Why do we have a Bill of Rights?  So we can remember who we once were.

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion. He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com © 2014 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens


Happy Days Are Here Again July 17, 2014

Posted by Dr. Robert Owens in Politics, Politiocal Philosophy.
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So long sad times
Go long bad times
We are rid of you at last

Howdy gay times
Cloudy gray times
You are now a thing of the past

Happy days are here again
The skies above are clear again
So let’s sing a song of cheer again
Happy days are here again

Can you believe it the Bush recession has been over for five years, unemployment is down, the stock market is up, and everything is coming up roses.  There is a flat screen on every wall, a smart phone in every hand, and flying cars just can’t be that far away.  The Bush wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have either been won or soon will be or as the winning slogan said, “GM is alive and Osama is dead.”  The Arab Spring has toppled tyrants and the glory of the administration’s foreign policy savants have ricocheted from the faculty lounge to the UN.  Doesn’t it just feel like another American Century?

The Fed keeps pumping and the Big Board keeps jumping.  The NSA watches us all without a warrant, and the man who tells us about it is a traitor.Congress has to sue the President in an attempt to get him to enforce laws unless of course he wants to change a law unilaterally.  The Court strikes down unconstitutional move after unconstitutional move by the adjunct instructor in the Oval Office.  The IRS is used to suppress the votes of Conservatives, its leaders either lying to Congress or pleading the Fifth while the Attorney General refuses to appoint a special prosecutor just as he refused in Fast and Furious and Benghazi.  Of course if you want to require a photo id to vote you’re a racist attempting to suppress the vote while you need a photo ID to get into the DNC. There’s nothing to see here move so along.

Common Core is poised to take our educational system to higher heights.  After more than 100 years of Progressive Education and generations of Federal intrusions into local school boards America now successfully spends more per capita on education than any other country.  The self-esteem of our students ranks as the highest in the world even as our grades slide.  In other words our students are doing poorly, but they think they are doing well.  It reminds me of a foreman in a factory who was in one of my management classes.  He shared an incident in his shop.  A young man was hired as a material handler who wore his pants down around his knees.  He constantly had to use one hand to hold up his pants while using the free hand to handle material.  When the foreman asked him, “Don’t you think you could get more done if you used both hands?”  The young man answered, “No I’m doing all right.”  The job may not get done but at least he feels good about what he’s doing.  Is this is the American Way in the New Normal?

Russia swallows Crimea, China launches its first aircraft carrier, the Islamic State declares itself to be the Caliphate some were crazy to predict.  Oh Happy Day!  Once again America is respected in the world after that cowboy Bush brought us so low.  Reagan said it was once again Morning in America and now we have Mourning in America as the fruit of Progressive policies, and cum bi ya diplomacy leads us from crisis to crisis.  Then again we should never let a good crisis go to waste said President Obama’s first Chief of Staff before heading to Chicago to strengthen the gun laws.

Looking forward there is good news and bad news.  The good news is that thanks to that paragon of progressivism FDR there are term limits on the presidency.  The bad news is our southern sieve and the import a voter program brings in thousands of undocumented democrats everyday as Flat Broke Hillary and the transition team waits in the wings with self-proclaimed Native American Elizabeth Warren as an understudy.

I used to say, “We made it through the Second World War and we can make it through Bill Clinton.”  Then I said, “We made it through the Cold War we can make it through Bush the Younger.”  Now I wonder, “If we threw away Iraq and we’re about to throw away Afghanistan, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona how will we survive two more years?”

We may not be in Kansas anymore and we may have followed the white rabbit through the looking glass but at least illegal immigrants can now get drivers licenses in Arizona.  Can anyone say “Motor Voter” orcoming to a neighborhood near you soon.

Altogether shout it now
There’s no one
Who can doubt it now
So let’s tell the world about it now
Happy days are here again

Your cares and troubles are gone
There’ll be no more from now on

Happy days are here again
The skies above are clear again
So, Let’s sing a song of cheer again

Happy times
Happy nights
Happy days
Are here again!

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion. He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com © 2014 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens