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Dr. Owens’ Next Book Signing Event March 25, 2021

Posted by Dr. Robert Owens in Uncategorized.
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Saturday      March 27  8 AM – 5 PM

Sunday        March 28  9 AM – 3 PM


KCI-Expo Center

11730 N Ambassador Dr

Kansas City, MO 64153

Dr. Owens has three new titles published in 2020 and one new one so far this year.

Bring in a book to be signed or purchase one new.  All Twenty of Dr. Owens’ titles will be available.  His books include: Five novels in the America’s Trojan War series, America’s Odyssey: You Can’t Go Home Again, America’s Odyssey II: You must Go Home Again, America’s Steel Brigade, and America’s Armageddon. Five books on Political Science: The Constitution Failed, Constitutional Philosophy in Action, Then Came Trump, Drain the Swamp, and Make America Great Again – AGAIN a book that chronicles Thirty-three of the positive accomplishments of President Trump’s first term that the media buried and the Biden Administration is erasing from History books.  Five, History Books: America Vol. One: Colonial History, The Azusa Street Revival, The More Things Change the More They Stay the Same (describes how the elites in America use presidential assassinations to create and sustain a secular political religion), America Won the Vietnam War! and, Skid Marks in the Sky: The Legendary Life and Hippie Adventures of Bobby Backstreet. A book on Leadership: COGIC History: The Dark Years.  Two books designed to strengthen and encourage Christians called Faith, and Hope.   A book of poetry Every Farmers Got a Gas Pump.  And The Complete Encyclopedia of Socialist Wisdom

All of Dr. Owens’ books are available in paperback and kindle at: https://www.amazon.com/author/drrobertowens

The Most Insidious Thing About Socialism March 24, 2021

Posted by Dr. Robert Owens in Uncategorized.
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Some things are blatantly evil.  When we hear of the Nazis’ Kristallnacht and their Final Solution, the Soviets’ Forced Collectivization and their campaign to eliminate the Kulaks, or the Chinese Cultural Revolution and their campaign to re-educate the Uighurs we can easily see the hand of man’s enemy sacrificing life on the altar of death.  Other things just as evil are hidden in plain sight such as America’s on-going genocide of the unborn euphemistically called “The Right to Choose.” 

The first six examples above of evil were and are manifestations of socialist governments imposing their visions of utopia upon disarmed and vulnerable victims.  The last example is presented as a constitutional right of free people in the present-day Sodom and Gomorrah still known as the United States of America.  For generations we have stood for liberty and against the evil of socialist authoritarianism willing to “… pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.” 

American education has been hijacked by the cultural Marxist acolytes of the Frankfurt School.  They have captured the schools of education across our land and their weaponized graduates have raised up generations of Americans embarrassed of the history who hate their own country.  Many of todays indoctrinated students claim to be socialist and they cannot define socialism.  Electric car driving ecology warriors plugging their mobile lithium battery bombs into coal fired power plants while following leaders riding in limousines, flying in private jets, and burning down the rainforest to make parking lots for their latest mega doner event for climate change. 

And the funniest thing about this dystopian scene is that the useful idiots can’t see it at all and get mad if anyone tries to point it out.  Not funny Ha-ha funny unbelievably sad.   

Satan’s greatest victory is when people believe he doesn’t exist, that there is no sin, and I’m okay – you’re okay.  And the greatest victory socialism has is that it masquerades as an angel of light and is therefore called good instead of evil.  And therein lies the rub. 

The Psalms tell us to “Defend the poor and fatherless; do justice to the afflicted and needy.”  In Proverbs, the book of wisdom we’re told, “Speak up for the people who have no voice, for the rights of all the misfits.  Speak out for justice!  Stand up for the poor and destitute!” The Lord Himself told us that we should care for those who cannot repay us.  The Apostles when they gathered to review the gospel as preached by Paul told the early church to remember the poor. 

Since this is what God tells us over and over that we should do, the desire to do it is a part of humanity’s spiritual DNA.  Just as we have a God sized hole in our heart that only God can fill so too, we have an innate desire to protect the weak and provide for those who cannot provide for themselves.  If we ignore this desire, we have a constant feeling of disappointment that we’re not doing what we’re supposed to be doing, because we aren’t.   

Since most people in today’s secular America are devoid of a biblical reference to God’s revelation, they’ll experience this drumbeat of personal disappointment as a longing for something they can’t quite put their finger on.  And the never-ending avalanche of commercials are right there to tell us the next best thing will surely make us happy.  And it never does. 

This brings us to the most insidious thing about socialism.   

Caring for the poor and needy was always the province first of the family and a primary mission of the Church.  In the reality-based version of Norman Rockwell’s America families cared for each other.  Multigenerational households were common.  Families socialized together, worked together, and were there when a helping hand was needed.  People gave to their churches as the storehouse to provide help to the orphans and widows, the homeless, and the loveless.  This is how God intended for it to work.  People are asked by God to give freely not grudgingly, or of necessity.  If we follow Him He gives us the desires of our heart and we find fulfillment when we follow and at least attempt to accomplish those desires. 

Socialism short circuits all this.  By assuming the role assigned to individuals to help others and claiming to do it for us the Big Brother of government makes people feel as if the burden has been lifted and they have done all they need to do.  Our corporate feelings of emptiness and failure speak volumes to the fact that this isn’t true.   

The big government and authoritarian policies required by socialist redistribution on the side of the Haves, swallow the resources and smother the sense of responsibility of those caught in its maw.  And on the side of the Have-nots its drip-drip-drip of free benefits kills incentive, smothers the drive to achieve, and incubates rage. 

The siren song of, “From each according to their abilities to each according to their needs,” lures many into the spiritual stupor of the bread and circus mentality basking in the SOMA induced trance of, “It’s not my problem.”  We see the poor all around us and since our taxes supposedly are used to treat, but never solve the problem, it’s easy to drive right by thinking, “Someone else will do it.” 

Now here’s the hidden part of it, like the portion of an iceberg that’s under water.  It doesn’t ever work.  After generations of a war on poverty, trillions of dollars in transfer payments, and millions of people trapped in a government Rube Goldberg machine there are about the same percentage of Have-nots living in poverty as there were before we fell down LBJ’s rabbit hole.  But at least the Haves feel better about themselves because they, “Gave at the office.”   

And anyone who has ever traveled through the wormhole of trying to get some help from the bureaucrats running the give-away machine knows, being treated like trash isn’t a fun or edifying experience.  To sum up, ever since the government took over welfare it isn’t well, and it isn’t fare. 

Yes, the government may tax us.  Yes, they say they’ll take care of everyone.  However, this does not absolve us of our God given duty to minister to those who need help.  Give and it shall be given unto you.  It’s better to give than to receive.  Reach out to help and your hands become the hands of God.  Speak an encouraging word to the downtrodden and yours can be the voice of Christ in their lives.  Protect the defenseless, share the gospel of Christ in a dying world, and watch the light of God illuminate the darkness.  This is the most glorious thing about faith. 

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, Global Studies, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com  © 2021 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com   Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Parler, Facebook, Twitter, Gab, or MeWe @ Drrobertowens, or visit Dr. Owens’ Amazon Page / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens 

Dr. Owens’ Next Book Signing Event March 20, 2021

Posted by Dr. Robert Owens in Uncategorized.
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Saturday      March 20  9 AM – 5 PM

Sunday        March  21 9 AM – 3 PM


Hawkeye Downs

4400 6th St SW

Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

Dr. Owens has three new titles published this year.

Bring in a book to be signed or purchase one new.  All Twenty of Dr. Owens’ titles will be available.  His books include: Five novels in the America’s Trojan War series, America’s Odyssey: You Can’t Go Home Again, America’s Odyssey II: You must Go Home Again, America’s Steel Brigade, and America’s Armageddon. Five books on Political Science: The Constitution Failed, Constitutional Philosophy in Action, Then Came Trump, Drain the Swamp, and Make America Great Again – AGAIN a book that chronicles Thirty-three of the positive accomplishments of President Trump’s first term that the media buried and the Biden Administration is erasing from History books.  Five, History Books: America Vol. One: Colonial History, The Azusa Street Revival, The More Things Change the More They Stay the Same (describes how the elites in America use presidential assassinations to create and sustain a secular political religion), America Won the Vietnam War! and, Skid Marks in the Sky: The Legendary Life and Hippie Adventures of Bobby Backstreet. A book on Leadership: COGIC History: The Dark Years.  Two books designed to strengthen and encourage Christians called Faith, and Hope.   A book of poetry Every Farmers Got a Gas Pump.  And The Complete Encyclopedia of Socialist Wisdom

All of Dr. Owens’ books are available in paperback and kindle at: https://www.amazon.com/author/drrobertowens

The Great Reset Verses the Great Reversal March 17, 2021

Posted by Dr. Robert Owens in Uncategorized.
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Many people who are politically engaged are aware of the latest version of the New World Order.  This is the so-called Great Reset being pushed by the economic avatars behind the annual billionaire networking show in Davos.  For the last several years they’ve evangelized the leaders of secularism in the need to reset the world from a rustic attachment to freedom to a more advanced submission to socialism. 

The Corporations Once Known as the Mainstream Media portray the Great Rest as a conspiracy Theory.  And we all know that only tinfoil hat wearing white supremacists believe in conspiracy theories.  I want to know, how can it be a conspiracy theory when the people proposing it tell everyone exactly what they want to see happen? 

There is no better way to expose how much this is a part of America’s political scene than to learn that the motto for this revisioning of everything is, “Build Back Better.”  If that sounds familiar it’s because that was the campaign slogan for the Biden/Harris campaign.  A mere coincidence?   If you buy that, I have a slightly used bridge in Brooklyn and I’m willing to sell it at a bargain basement price. 

The devastation caused by the Great Plandemic is the starting point for the Democrat plan to rebuild on the wreckage they’ve caused: an America that bows its knee to the false god of government. 

The Democrat Governor of Washington, Jay Inslee, expresses his hopes for the aftermath of the plandemic, “this has always been an economic opportunity … we should not be intimidated by people who say you should not use this COVID crisis to peddle a solution to climate change … we can’t use COVID as an excuse for inaction on climate change … they’re both so similar … based on an understanding of science.” 

Sen Bernie Sanders sees an opportunity for empowering government in the COVID shamdemic, “If there is any silver lining in the midst of this terrible, terrible and unprecedented moment in American history in terms of the economy, in terms of the pandemic, it is that maybe we start rethinking some fundamental tenets about the way our government and society works.” 

According to Hillary Clinton, “This would be a terrible crisis to waste as the old saying goes.” 

Compare the broadside bromides of these guides to an imagined Venezuelan style worker’s paradise with the comment of Fox News commentator, Tucker Carlson who said, “As long as public health bureaucrats are throwing around oxymoronic, doublespeak, like social distancing and flatten the curve, politicians have the cover they need to empower themselves and their friends and that’s exactly what they’ve been doing.” 

Can you see what’s happening? 

This may all be depressing.  It is undoubtedly discouraging.  But none of it should be a surprise.  Personally, I’ve been speaking and writing about this for decades as have many others.  The watchmen have been calling from the walls, “The storm is coming.” 

If you are not prepared get prepared.  Toilet paper might be a nice thing to have but food is essential.  So is water.  A place to grow your own food is optimal.  And it doesn’t take great fields to grow food.  A small yard can produce an amazing amount.  The Lord tells us plan for the worst and trust God for the victory. 

And upon that turns the tale. 

In the natural this threatened Great Reset may loom like a hurricane on the horizon.  It may look as if it will engulf the world and submerge America in the abyss of socialism where equality is swallowed by equity and freedom is ground under the heel of regimentation.  As the Democrat/Socialists leverage their bare majority in Congress into an unconstitutional federal mandate ensuring victories forever more, as fences and troops turn DC into their fortress of solitude, and as an avalanche of Executive Orders makes ruling by decree appear to be the order of the day don’t lose heart.  Remember, tears may come in the evening, but joy comes in the morning.  All this is about things.  That is all these people can do, take away things.  They have no power over our souls.  The Lord tells us numerous times in His Holy Word, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”  We can depend on that. 

The world and all that is in it is passing away.  Don’t become obsessed with the fact that America is passing under judgment.  When you look at the ever-mounting death toll in our abortion mills or at the open sewer society flourishing all around us is anyone really surprised that our all holy God has lifted His hand from us? 

The Great Reset is coming.  Our government of themselves, by themselves, and for themselves is working day and night to see that it does.  But that will only rearrange the City of Man.  We who have confessed Jesus as Lord and believe in our hearts that God has raised Him from the dead have already become citizens of the City of God, and there we stand witnessing and waiting expectantly for the Great Reversal, where the first shall be last and the last shall be first. 

Love is our currency.  We never have a deficit budget, for all we ever owe anyone is to love them.  And since we’re filled up wall-to-wall with Spirit of God we never run out of that precious commodity. 

It’s hard not to mourn the passing of mankind’s last best hope on this planet for individual freedom, personal liberty, and free enterprise, but we must see the bigger picture.  Paul and the other Apostles labored under one of the most oppressive military dictatorships of all time: the Roman Empire, and yet they never called for a violent revolution.  They kept their eyes on the prize and counseled all to turn to Christ and find life. 

Here we are caught upon the horns of a dilemma.  Our democratic process has belched up a faction of authoritarian wannabees determined to impose socialism, its economy, and destroying fever dreams.  They control all branches of the federal government, and there’s nothing to stop them from passing anything they want.   

We’ll never be able to stand up to them until we’re on our knees praising God and thanking Him for the salvation He’s given us in Christ. 

Don’t let the judgement of God bring you to despair.  God corrects those He loves. 

And there is a way out of this season of darkness, “… if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 

If we’ll follow this advice, we’ll receive this promise.  Then we can leave concern about the Great Reset in the secular sewer where it belongs and praise God for the Great Reversal. 

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, Global Studies, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com  © 2021 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com   Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Parler, Facebook, Twitter, Gab, or MeWe @ Drrobertowens, or visit Dr. Owens’ Amazon Page / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens 

The Paradox of Free Will March 3, 2021

Posted by Dr. Robert Owens in Uncategorized.
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How can we possibly believe in free will since Christians believe in His Omniscience God knows everything we’ll do in advance and we also believe He has a plan for our lives before we’re born?  So where is the free will?

God has perfect foreknowledge.  This means He knows the end from the beginning and thus He knows what everyone will do in the future and what any individual will do in any given situation. God has a complete plan for everyone’s life.  He knew how He wanted the universe to end before He created it and so He had a plan for every action needed to reach that end before the foundation of the world. 

If God wants a particular thing to happen, He knows who will choose to do it, when they will choose to do it, and under what circumstances they will choose to do it.  However, just because God already knows what choices we will make this in no way removes our free will. 

You see God is outside our space time continuum.  He is ever always in the now of eternity.   And in this bubble, we call reality we are the ones making the choices.

One example might be to think about our own foreknowledge of History.  We know how World War One ends.  If we could go back in time to July of 1914 the fact that we already know how the War will end would not force anyone to do anything.  Our knowing that the assassination of the heir to the throne of Austria would knock over the first domino ending only with the Treaty of Versailles wouldn’t stop Gavrilo Princip from shooting Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

God created us with free choice.  That’s why He told Adam and Eve not to eat of the fruit of the trees in the center of the garden.  He told them not to do it, but He wouldn’t have said “Don’t do it,” if they couldn’t do it if they chose to.  Free choice means not only that we can choose to ignore God’s commands it also means we can freely choose to confess with our lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that God has raised Him from the dead and so be saved.

It all hinges on free choice.  God is looking for children who choose to love and follow Him, not robots who have no choice.

God’s knowing what we will freely choose doesn’t mean that we are in any way forced to make that choice.  You can choose to believe this or not.

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, Global Studies, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com  © 2021 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com   Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Parler, Facebook, Twitter, Gab, or MeWe @ Drrobertowens, or visit Dr. Owens’ Amazon Page / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens