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A New You for a New Year January 5, 2022

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Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?  Have you reached the end of your rope only to find out that it’s much shorter than you imagined?  Was last year as good as you hoped it would be?  Was it as bad as you feared it would be?  Does the uncertainty of the future leave you anxious?  Has your own mortality entered like a crack in the ice in your youthful belief in personal indestructability?

But wait there’s more…

Does the randomness of good happening to bad people and bad happening to good people leave you wondering if there’s any rhyme or reason to reality?  Is looking for answers to these and many other questions like looking for needles in haystacks?  Is the quest to find meaning in life like trying to nail fog to the wall?

If you’ve rejected Christ because of Christians don’t mistake the messengers for the message.  Christ told his followers to lake His light to the world, and most have spent the last 2000 + years trying to build a lamp and pretending it was the light.

The message is as simple as receiving it: Confess Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead and you will be saved.

That’s it. 

It’s not about joining the right club or following the right rules.  We don’t need a seminary degree or someone with one to walk us through learning the secret handshake or the Abra Kadabra password.  And there is no magic decoder ring.  We don’t have to read the Bible from cover to cover.  We don’t have to wear the right clothes, beard, or haircut.  We don’t have to vote for the right candidates.  We don’t have to take an oath to believe the same things that everyone else who confesses Christ as Lord does.

It isn’t about being good enough.  That’s one of the great miracles of God’s economy.  While we were yet sinners Jesus came and died so that we could live.

It isn’t about becoming a religious robot who says the right things at the right time to the right people in the right place.  God is the One who created us with free choice, so we’re free to choose.  It isn’t about conformity.  God is the One who created us to be an individual and He doesn’t make junk.  We are who He created us to be.  He has placed us in a certain time and place so that we can become all He designed us to be and do all that He has called us to do.  And that means what He created, placed, and called you to be, will be different than what He created, placed, and called me to be.  You see it isn’t about cookie-cutter, repeat a formula, and follow the rule book club membership. 

It’s about each of us individually confessing Jesus as Lord and each of us individually believing God raised Jesus from the dead and then learning to commune with God, to hear Him speak to us as individuals and then doing what He tells us to do.

If the questions at the beginning of this article float through our minds like storm clouds in a cloudless sky obscuring what should be clear.  Let’s give up the battle to do it on our own.  Let’s surrender and find victory in allowing God to count the victory of Jesus over sin and death to our account.

It’s so easy we can do it right here right now.  We don’t need to be in a meeting, at an altar, or in a special building.  We don’t need anyone to hold our hand or even know what we’ve done.  We will know.  God will know.  And once we’re in his hand no one can snatch us out.

I confess Jesus as Lord and I believe in my heart that God raised Him from the Dead.  That’s it.  All done.  The battle is over.  The war between us and God is over, and we are one with Him.  Welcome to a new you for a new year.

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, Global Studies, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com  © 2022 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com   Follow Dr. Robert Owens Facebook @ Drrobertowens or visit Dr. Owens’ Amazon Page / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens

The Day I Was Born Again  September 8, 2021

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I can remember when I was born-again.  I came up from me knees a new creature living in a new creation, old things had passed away and everything had become new.  I had this life changing experience in a church where that kind of thing was not supposed to happen.   

In this church they shared the Lord’s Supper at every service.  This was the first time I felt I was ready to partake of the bread and wine.  While kneeling at the altar rail I reflected upon my recent study of the four Gospels.  I had come to a place where I thought this Gospel is either the truth or it’s a lie.  If it’s the truth it is undoubtedly the most important message ever delivered.  If it was a lie, it was just one among many. 

As a person who had studied History daily for many years, I knew that all of the writers of the Gospels had been martyred.  This led me to reflect, “If these men had written a lie, they would have known it was a lie and that Jesus didn’t rise from the dead, there is no salvation, and the whole thing was a hoax.” 

I also knew that before they were martyred, they were given a choice, say what they’d written was a lie and worship the emperor or stand by what they’d written and die.  All of them chose to die.   The thought that four men would all choose to die to promote or perpetuate a hoax didn’t sound or feel believable to me. 

All this had been running round and round in my mind for weeks.  Finally, as I knelt at that altar I decided, “It has to be true.”  Right then and there I prayed, “Jesus, I want you to be the Lord of my life.  I want to give my life to you.  I repent of my sins, and I ask you to save me.”  That was it.  I believed God had raised Jesus from the grave and I accepted Him as my Lord. 

Instantly I was translated into an ecstasy of joy.  I raised my hands and I praised God for hearing my prayer and for saving me.  From that moment on I knew beyond all doubt that Jesus is God, that He came to earth to save the lost, and that He will meet us wherever we are and accept us no matter what we’ve done.  From that moment to this I have known the intimacies of the new birth and no one nor no thing can ever separate me from my Savior. 

That was what happened on the inside deep within my being as my spirit which had been dead to God came alive.  On the outside I stayed at the altar after everyone else left and returned to their seats.  I stayed there throughout the rest of the service and for about another half hour after everyone left the sanctuary and moved into the fellowship hall. 

I was completely oblivious to any sound or movement around me.  I had no awareness of the passage of time.  I was bathed in the joy of God, surrounded by His presence, communing with my Savior, wrapped in His love. 

When I returned to normal consciousness I got up, I looked around dumbfounded at the empty sanctuary.  To me I had only been at the altar for a few moments.  I followed the sound of people talking into the fellowship hall.  As I entered, I began praising God.  I told them all, “I’ve just been born again!” 

Everyone, the pastor included looked at me as if I was crazy.  You would have thought I had just said, “A unicorn jumped over a rainbow and gave me some candy.”  The President of the Church Council told me, “We don’t go for any of that Born-Again nonsense here.  If you’re going to act like that drag it down the street someplace else.” 

I was confused.  From my reading of the scriptures everyone must be born again if they want to see God and His kingdom and here was a leader in the Church telling me this life changing experience was somehow out of place in this particular church.   

But I knew what I had just experienced, and no one was going to convince me that God hadn’t just touched me, that He hadn’t wiped away my guilt, and made me new.  No one could convince me that I hadn’t just been born again. 

The Pastor seeing my look of confusion took me aside and asked me what had happened.  When I described the miracle as clearly as I could he told me it was probably an emotional response to a thought-provoking sermon. 

Imagine if you lived on an island where everyone crawls instead of walks.  It has always been this way, and this is the only way anyone can ever remember it being.  Then one day a person stands up and starts to walk.  Everyone is shocked.  They are scandalized.  The leaders of the community express the thoughts of the majority, “I mean whoever heard of such a thing, someone walking instead of crawling.”  Turning on the lone walker they cry in unison, “Get back down here and crawl like you’re supposed to!  What if others start this walking business?  Do you want to destroy our traditions?  What if the children see you and start walking instead of crawling?” 

It’s not that crawling is better than walking.  We all know that it isn’t.  It’s just that this is the way things have always been so that is seen as the way they should be.  Anything different is rejected out of hand, no consideration, no inner reflection, no comparison of two different options just instantaneous and total rejection. 

This is just how it seems when people who have never experienced the new birth, have never experienced the unrivaled intimacies of a loving God bringing life to the dead spirit we inherited from Adam try to tell us who have, to settle down and follow traditions. 

Instead of the eternal everlasting death we all deserve due to our Adamic inheritance and our own sin God in His infinite mercy and love gives us eternal life.  And He has not only given us life He gives us the very life of Christ the life that defeated death.  In a foreshadowing of the life-giving power of Christ once some Israelites were about to burry a man when a sudden attack of the enemy forced them to forego using a new grave and they placed the body in the tomb of Elisha the prophet.  As soon as the body of the dead man touched the bones of the prophet the man came back to life.  And so it is with every spiritually dead person who comes to the cross of Christ who surrenders themselves and accepts Jesus as Lord. 

We must never let anyone convince us that humanity can be perfected outside of God’s plan of salvation and through Jesus Christ.  Nothing, not education, politics, economics, genetic engineering, theology, philosophy, or psychology can forge a way to life for the spiritually dead except through Christ.  All of these things can be helpful tools.  They can all help us make sense of a fallen and disordered world.  But they cannot save us.  They cannot change us from fallen and lost people into what we were created to be: children of the Most High God. 

And it is purely through grace that this is even possible.  We cannot earn our way.  There is no twelve-step plan to salvation.  There is no self-help program that will deliver us from evil.  In His great love for humanity God opened the way through Christ’s sacrifice and His resurrection for the dead to live, the fallen to rise, the blind to see, and the lost to be found.   

May every one of us, descendants of Adam, the lost and the spiritually dead repent of our sins, turn from the world, and accept the glorious gift God offers us.  Let’s embrace the life Christ has won for us. 

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, Global Studies, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com  © 2021 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com   Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook, Twitter, Gab, or MeWe @ Drrobertowens, or visit Dr. Owens’ Amazon Page / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens 

God Keeps His Promises August 31, 2021

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Imagine if the Jewish people had accepted and proclaimed Jesus as their Messiah.  In this scenario the High Priest, the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Scribes would recognize the hand of God upon Jesus and the Holy Spirit within Him.  They would have no doubt taken Him into the Temple and worshipped Him for what He is: God and man united in a virgin’s womb.   

There would have been no crucifixion and therefore no resurrection.  In the what-if of this imaginary tale, though the people of God read the signs of the times, though they perceived and accepted the coming of God, they would have remained an earthly people.  

For without the crucifixion there would be no substitutionary death cleansing humanity of sin.  Without the resurrection there would be no risen body of Christ, and consequently we would have no chance to be raised with Him.  And without the ascension of Christ into Heaven the Helper never would have come and no one would be baptized in and subsequently filled with the Holy Spirit. 

The promises given by God to the people of Israel through Abraham all related to earthly things.  Things which the Bible says, “perish with the using.”  I don’t in any way mean to say the faith of either historical or present-day Jews does not deal with deeper things than that which we can see, taste, touch, or feel.  Or, that the plan of God for the Jews did not include things that may be forever hidden from us.   

However, from the Biblical record which is the only record we will ever have that is directly from God, the Jewish people were an earthly people whom God called out from among the Chaldeans and promised them the land “from the river of Egypt to the great river, the River Euphrates.”    

And even though it may be beyond our understanding, “the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.”  How these things work out in the here and now may not be recognized, they may be misinterpreted, they may not even be noticed by the generation who witnesses them, but we can be assured when all is said and done it will all be done just like He said. 

In the meantime, here in the flowing stream of reality we call the present and in its historical wake the whole pageant of Israel’s existence: their repeated rejection of God, their worshipping of idols, their almost deification of tradition ceremonies and laws, and finally their rejection and crucifixion of Christ, has come about so that all the people of the world could be adopted into the family of God. 

The Jews were dispossessed of the land God promised them.  They were scattered over all the earth.  They have been persecuted, rejected, and the other people of the world have attempted to obliterate them.  But God has preserved them while those who sought their destruction have themselves faced annihilation time after time.  Their very existence has proven the reliability of God’s word. 

There is an old story which goes like this: Queen Victoria, who was an agnostic, asked her Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli who was a Jew who had converted to Christianity, “If you can prove to me the existence of God I will believe.”  Disraeli answered, “Madam, I can prove the existence of God with just two words.”  The Queen taken aback by this calm assurance asked, “And what are those two words?”  “The Jews,” her Prime Minister answered. 

Whether or not the return of the Jews to their promised land after World War Two and the subsequent founding of the modern state of Israel is the long-anticipated ingathering foretold in scripture, which may be beyond our powers of perception, one thing is clear.  The reestablishment of a Jewish state in the promised land is unequivocally a banner to all nations that God does not repent of His promises. 

Here’s a New Testament promise we can all hold on to, “… if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” 

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, Global Studies, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com  © 2021 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com   Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook, Twitter, Gab, or MeWe @ Drrobertowens, or visit Dr. Owens’ Amazon Page / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens 

August 10, 2021

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We Can’t Do It On Our Own 

There is something about us that makes us want to make everything about us.  If there is any way to make it appear to anyone, everyone, or even just ourselves we will move any mountain, swim any sea, or rationalize any action to see ourselves as the center of the universe.  And salvation falls into this same pattern. 

For this reason, every religion man has ever devised has been built upon works.  We must earn our way to heaven.  That way we can take the credit. 

I taught Comparative Religion for several colleges.  During the semester as we covered the major and many minor religions of the world I would right on the board a section on each one.  In these sections I wrote what it takes to receive salvation or make it to heaven in these different religions.  At the end I asked the students to review all the sections and see if they could spot one striking similarity and one striking difference. 

Inevitably at least one, often several, would discern that every religion except one required people to earn their salvation.  And only one, Christianity, said salvation comes through faith alone. 

Several times after this exercise students sought me out after class and accepted the Lord as their personal Savior.  One time a woman brought in her whole family, and they all confessed Christ as Lord and professed their belief that God had raised Him from the dead. 

We know there is a profound and life altering difference between a mental assent that Christ is Lord and a knowledge that God raised Him from the dead and a living faith in these two realities.  The very faith we use to accept and profess is a gift from God.  However, God gave us our intellect.  He doesn’t mean for us to check our mind at the door when we enter His presence. 

Learning the truth is a fundamental step towards accepting the truth. 

The heart of the matter is a matter of the heart.  Humanity does not need another teacher, a leader, or a new way of looking at life.  The problem is that since the fall of Adam man has been spiritually dead.  We are separated by an uncrossable gulf from God and each other.  What we need is spiritual re-birth and reunification of fractured humanity.  

Once we are re-created in Christ our feet are on the highway of holiness leading to life in, through, and with our Savior, but we aren’t merely passive passengers along for the ride.  Because once we’re saved, we have work to do. 

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, Global Studies, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com  © 2021 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com   Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Parler, Facebook, Twitter, Gab, or MeWe @ Drrobertowens, or visit Dr. Owens’ Amazon Page / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens 

Don’t Just Live Be Alive August 3, 2021

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All of humanity have physical life while we spend our moment upon the stage of the world.  Most have a soulish, or mental life whether we exercise it or not.  But only those who have been born-again and united with Christ have spiritual life. 

Try to imagine a human being who has no wisdom or understanding, no mental activity beyond what it takes to move, eat, and exist.  This person might be in great shape, but their true humanity would be gone, and they would exist more as an animal than as a human. 

This is how it is when we have not been born from above or re-born of the spirit. We may be in great shape, we may even be famous, or rich, handsome, beautiful, and acclaimed by all but we wouldn’t be a child of God.  We would be dead in our spirit and separated from all that truly makes life worth living: union with our Creator. 

Like casting pearls before swine trying to explain spiritual things to anyone who hasn’t been joined to the Body of Christ and received the Holy Spirit is like trying to hold the opposite ends of a magnet together, they repulse each other by their very nature. 

Think for a moment of any funeral you’ve ever attended.  There was grief present.  There may have been tears.  There might even have been stunned silence as the mourners contemplated the suddenness of death and the transitory nature of lie.  One thing that is never there though is the one in the coffin taking any notice of any of this.   

And that’s just how it is with the spiritually dead.  The life of God’s Spirit is going on all around them.  His Spirit is upholding and maintaining the integrity of all creation.  His Spirit is alive and working in all the born-again Christians walking around them all day every day.   

There is no more recognition of the passage, the work, or the presence of God’s Holy Spirit among the lost than there is recognition of all the life going on around a corpse in a casket.  The spiritually dead read the Bible as it was just another book.  They think of God as if He were a moral principle, the force, or a myth.  They think of being born-again as something other people do, something that makes no sense, or else they don’t think about it all.   

A person who is blind isn’t startled when you turn on a light.  A person who is deaf doesn’t jump when you yell at them.  It’s the same with those who are spiritually dead and living comfortably in sin, they couldn’t care less that God is holy and that He will not abide sin.  They are neither frightened of the consequences of their sin nor are they enthralled with the rewards of salvation.  They are blind.  They are deaf.  They are dead.  When we speak of the deep things of God to these walking dead, we might as well be speaking to a brick wall.  We are casting our pearls before swine.  There is only one message we should seek to share with the lost: repent of your sins, accept Jesus as your Savior, and find life. 

The whole meaning of the Gospel, the good news delivered to humanity through Jesus Christ, is seen in His resurrection.   

Sin, death, and the devil are defeated when Jesus triumphed over them in the pit of hell disarming principalities and powers making a public spectacle of them as He led captivity captive.  We must never forget that He was perfectly sinless and that He was delivered to the executioner for our transgressions and then He was raised for our justification. 

Jesus didn’t come to die and then rise again to raise our awareness or further our education.  He didn’t live a sinless life and then suffer for the sinful merely to provide us with a moral guide.  God didn’t sacrifice His only Son to establish a cultural tradition.  No, the passion of the Christ happened so that humanity may learn the truth about God’s love for us and His provision of a way to return to Him and become His children.  This is the truth, and the truth has been revealed so that we may be free. 

When someone has been missing for a certain length of time the authorities begin looking for them.  If when they find them, they’re dead, after notifying their nearest family what else is there left to do except burry them.  Because once we’re dead, we begin to decay rather quickly. 

Preaching the Word without the anointing of the Holy Spirit is no more than searching for dead bodies.  For without the Spirit there is no life.  An old story says that once a man had a heart attack and died in a spiritually vacant church and it took the EMTs half an hour to figure out which one was the physically dead among all the spiritually dead. 

Having scoured the highways and the byways for those willing to give up an hour on Sunday morning and pay their tithes these blind leaders of the blind can do no more with the breathing corpses than burry them in an upholstered pew.  They preach a socially relevant something being careful to end the service in time to make it to the local buffet before all the other stained-glass graveyards get out.   

It’s amazing but true, many who have never experienced the new birth will dispute with those of us who have what it is, how it operates, and what it does within us.  Leave the laws, traditions, and ceremonies of the world behind and find the freedom that God wants you to have in Christ Jesus and don’t just live, be alive. 

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, Global Studies, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com  © 2021 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com   Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Parler, Facebook, Twitter, Gab, or MeWe @ Drrobertowens, or visit Dr. Owens’ Amazon Page / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens 

Here We Are May 10, 2021

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For sixty years I’ve tried to warn people that unless we as Americans woke up and started paying attention our listing ship of state was going to crash into the iceberg of socialist authoritarianism.  I held up the freedom and the uniqueness of our Republic, the equality it proclaimed, the prosperity it produced, and the liberty it protected.  I extoled, cajoled, and foretold the coming of this long dark winter of our discontent.  I tried to use reason, satire, and sarcasm and yet … here we are. 

Fifty years of Cold War destroyed the Soviet Union. Twenty-nine years of victory destroyed the United States.  All of our bravado, bluster, and hubris has accomplished is to make the post-Stalinist Nikita Khrushchev, “The Butcher of the Ukraine” into a prophet.  He told us several things long years ago that we Cold Warriors laughed off as the rantings of a homicidal megalomaniac.  Now they sound like a fire bell clanging in the night or the mournful peal for whom the bell tolls.  Here are a few things Stalin’s clown, JFK’s nemesis, and our blood-soaked communist Jerimiah told us:   

  • “You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism. We won’t have to fight you. We’ll so weaken your economy until you’ll fall like overripe fruit into our hands.”  
  • “We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.”   
  • “The United States will eventually fly the Communist red flag…The American people will hoist it themselves.”   

And as if pulling a page from the secret plan of the Masters of the Universe, he also said, “The press is our chief ideological weapon.”  

I have spent decades blowing the trumpet.  Many others have stood upon the wall and warned us that the enemy of freedom was already within the gates.  Over and over America has been warned.  And after all of that, the center has broken, the citadel has fallen, and according to the woke world rising all around us, we are now the barbarians within the gates. 

So much for the chimera of reality that is the material world.  What is here and now is merely what is here and now.  Like distorted images we see in a cracked carnival mirror or the mirage of an oasis in the desert the shifting fog of history surrounding us is but a pale representation of God’s reality.  The lying spirit of this world tries to tell us all truth is relative.  The Spirit of Truth tells us, “… you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” 

Now for the rest of the story. 

For forty years I’ve been shouting this from the rooftops, “Jesus Christ is Lord!”  All the rest, everything is just window dressing.  This is the only truth that really matters.  For as the old saying goes, “All things will pass, only those things done in Christ will last.”   

The politics of this world are as fruitless as a dog chasing its tail.  We’re gazing at our navel, rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, enjoying a first-class seat on the Hindenburg.  We’re investing our attention on things that perish with the using and have no eternal significance at all.  I’m as guilty as anyone else.  I’ve expended much of my thought, energy, and writing skills trying to preserve the freedom and liberty we’ve enjoyed here in America and yet … here we are.  I wonder now if I ever encouraged even one person to turn off the game, set down the bear, and look at the shell game Ponzi scheme policies our elected leaders have used to herd us into the socialist corral? 

I just can’t do it anymore.  I can no longer spend the majority of my time on the minor things of life.  I will devote my life to holding out the only hope there is for humanity, the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  As Paul presents it, “… that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures …” which leads to the ultimate gift of God, salvation, “… that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” 

That’s it.  There are no Herculean tasks to accomplish.  You don’t have to meticulously follow some prearranged path of prayer or works.  Or, as the Word tells us, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast …”  It’s all Him.  He does it all.  It’s His sheer unmerited favor that opens the door, and it’s His faith that makes it possible for us to believe.  And once we are saved, we have an assignment.  We are to be His witnesses

I once was a sinner, lost and alone.  I rejected God and served only my own passions and lust.  Then Christ revealed Himself to me through His Holy Word.  He touched me and made me whole.  He gave me a new life, a Proverbs 31 wife, and a mission.  That mission is to share what He has done for me with you. 

And unlike my fruitless toiling in the fields of political punditry it will bring a harvest.  “A farmer went out to sow his seed.  As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up.  Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil.  It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow.  But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root.  Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants.  Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”  A harvest is promised and a harvest there will be. 

You see even though most will ignore this trumpet call just as they ignored the one trying to save the great experiment that was the United States, I am assured that some will choose the right way, “For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”  Another promise, a few will find it.  The Word says it, I believe, and that’s it.  After false starts, wasted efforts, and misguided attempts … here we are. 

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, Global Studies, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com  © 2021 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com   Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Parler, Facebook, Twitter, Gab, or MeWe @ Drrobertowens, or visit Dr. Owens’ Amazon Page / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens

The Most Insidious Thing About Socialism March 24, 2021

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Some things are blatantly evil.  When we hear of the Nazis’ Kristallnacht and their Final Solution, the Soviets’ Forced Collectivization and their campaign to eliminate the Kulaks, or the Chinese Cultural Revolution and their campaign to re-educate the Uighurs we can easily see the hand of man’s enemy sacrificing life on the altar of death.  Other things just as evil are hidden in plain sight such as America’s on-going genocide of the unborn euphemistically called “The Right to Choose.” 

The first six examples above of evil were and are manifestations of socialist governments imposing their visions of utopia upon disarmed and vulnerable victims.  The last example is presented as a constitutional right of free people in the present-day Sodom and Gomorrah still known as the United States of America.  For generations we have stood for liberty and against the evil of socialist authoritarianism willing to “… pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.” 

American education has been hijacked by the cultural Marxist acolytes of the Frankfurt School.  They have captured the schools of education across our land and their weaponized graduates have raised up generations of Americans embarrassed of the history who hate their own country.  Many of todays indoctrinated students claim to be socialist and they cannot define socialism.  Electric car driving ecology warriors plugging their mobile lithium battery bombs into coal fired power plants while following leaders riding in limousines, flying in private jets, and burning down the rainforest to make parking lots for their latest mega doner event for climate change. 

And the funniest thing about this dystopian scene is that the useful idiots can’t see it at all and get mad if anyone tries to point it out.  Not funny Ha-ha funny unbelievably sad.   

Satan’s greatest victory is when people believe he doesn’t exist, that there is no sin, and I’m okay – you’re okay.  And the greatest victory socialism has is that it masquerades as an angel of light and is therefore called good instead of evil.  And therein lies the rub. 

The Psalms tell us to “Defend the poor and fatherless; do justice to the afflicted and needy.”  In Proverbs, the book of wisdom we’re told, “Speak up for the people who have no voice, for the rights of all the misfits.  Speak out for justice!  Stand up for the poor and destitute!” The Lord Himself told us that we should care for those who cannot repay us.  The Apostles when they gathered to review the gospel as preached by Paul told the early church to remember the poor. 

Since this is what God tells us over and over that we should do, the desire to do it is a part of humanity’s spiritual DNA.  Just as we have a God sized hole in our heart that only God can fill so too, we have an innate desire to protect the weak and provide for those who cannot provide for themselves.  If we ignore this desire, we have a constant feeling of disappointment that we’re not doing what we’re supposed to be doing, because we aren’t.   

Since most people in today’s secular America are devoid of a biblical reference to God’s revelation, they’ll experience this drumbeat of personal disappointment as a longing for something they can’t quite put their finger on.  And the never-ending avalanche of commercials are right there to tell us the next best thing will surely make us happy.  And it never does. 

This brings us to the most insidious thing about socialism.   

Caring for the poor and needy was always the province first of the family and a primary mission of the Church.  In the reality-based version of Norman Rockwell’s America families cared for each other.  Multigenerational households were common.  Families socialized together, worked together, and were there when a helping hand was needed.  People gave to their churches as the storehouse to provide help to the orphans and widows, the homeless, and the loveless.  This is how God intended for it to work.  People are asked by God to give freely not grudgingly, or of necessity.  If we follow Him He gives us the desires of our heart and we find fulfillment when we follow and at least attempt to accomplish those desires. 

Socialism short circuits all this.  By assuming the role assigned to individuals to help others and claiming to do it for us the Big Brother of government makes people feel as if the burden has been lifted and they have done all they need to do.  Our corporate feelings of emptiness and failure speak volumes to the fact that this isn’t true.   

The big government and authoritarian policies required by socialist redistribution on the side of the Haves, swallow the resources and smother the sense of responsibility of those caught in its maw.  And on the side of the Have-nots its drip-drip-drip of free benefits kills incentive, smothers the drive to achieve, and incubates rage. 

The siren song of, “From each according to their abilities to each according to their needs,” lures many into the spiritual stupor of the bread and circus mentality basking in the SOMA induced trance of, “It’s not my problem.”  We see the poor all around us and since our taxes supposedly are used to treat, but never solve the problem, it’s easy to drive right by thinking, “Someone else will do it.” 

Now here’s the hidden part of it, like the portion of an iceberg that’s under water.  It doesn’t ever work.  After generations of a war on poverty, trillions of dollars in transfer payments, and millions of people trapped in a government Rube Goldberg machine there are about the same percentage of Have-nots living in poverty as there were before we fell down LBJ’s rabbit hole.  But at least the Haves feel better about themselves because they, “Gave at the office.”   

And anyone who has ever traveled through the wormhole of trying to get some help from the bureaucrats running the give-away machine knows, being treated like trash isn’t a fun or edifying experience.  To sum up, ever since the government took over welfare it isn’t well, and it isn’t fare. 

Yes, the government may tax us.  Yes, they say they’ll take care of everyone.  However, this does not absolve us of our God given duty to minister to those who need help.  Give and it shall be given unto you.  It’s better to give than to receive.  Reach out to help and your hands become the hands of God.  Speak an encouraging word to the downtrodden and yours can be the voice of Christ in their lives.  Protect the defenseless, share the gospel of Christ in a dying world, and watch the light of God illuminate the darkness.  This is the most glorious thing about faith. 

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, Global Studies, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com  © 2021 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com   Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Parler, Facebook, Twitter, Gab, or MeWe @ Drrobertowens, or visit Dr. Owens’ Amazon Page / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens 

The Great Reset Verses the Great Reversal March 17, 2021

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Many people who are politically engaged are aware of the latest version of the New World Order.  This is the so-called Great Reset being pushed by the economic avatars behind the annual billionaire networking show in Davos.  For the last several years they’ve evangelized the leaders of secularism in the need to reset the world from a rustic attachment to freedom to a more advanced submission to socialism. 

The Corporations Once Known as the Mainstream Media portray the Great Rest as a conspiracy Theory.  And we all know that only tinfoil hat wearing white supremacists believe in conspiracy theories.  I want to know, how can it be a conspiracy theory when the people proposing it tell everyone exactly what they want to see happen? 

There is no better way to expose how much this is a part of America’s political scene than to learn that the motto for this revisioning of everything is, “Build Back Better.”  If that sounds familiar it’s because that was the campaign slogan for the Biden/Harris campaign.  A mere coincidence?   If you buy that, I have a slightly used bridge in Brooklyn and I’m willing to sell it at a bargain basement price. 

The devastation caused by the Great Plandemic is the starting point for the Democrat plan to rebuild on the wreckage they’ve caused: an America that bows its knee to the false god of government. 

The Democrat Governor of Washington, Jay Inslee, expresses his hopes for the aftermath of the plandemic, “this has always been an economic opportunity … we should not be intimidated by people who say you should not use this COVID crisis to peddle a solution to climate change … we can’t use COVID as an excuse for inaction on climate change … they’re both so similar … based on an understanding of science.” 

Sen Bernie Sanders sees an opportunity for empowering government in the COVID shamdemic, “If there is any silver lining in the midst of this terrible, terrible and unprecedented moment in American history in terms of the economy, in terms of the pandemic, it is that maybe we start rethinking some fundamental tenets about the way our government and society works.” 

According to Hillary Clinton, “This would be a terrible crisis to waste as the old saying goes.” 

Compare the broadside bromides of these guides to an imagined Venezuelan style worker’s paradise with the comment of Fox News commentator, Tucker Carlson who said, “As long as public health bureaucrats are throwing around oxymoronic, doublespeak, like social distancing and flatten the curve, politicians have the cover they need to empower themselves and their friends and that’s exactly what they’ve been doing.” 

Can you see what’s happening? 

This may all be depressing.  It is undoubtedly discouraging.  But none of it should be a surprise.  Personally, I’ve been speaking and writing about this for decades as have many others.  The watchmen have been calling from the walls, “The storm is coming.” 

If you are not prepared get prepared.  Toilet paper might be a nice thing to have but food is essential.  So is water.  A place to grow your own food is optimal.  And it doesn’t take great fields to grow food.  A small yard can produce an amazing amount.  The Lord tells us plan for the worst and trust God for the victory. 

And upon that turns the tale. 

In the natural this threatened Great Reset may loom like a hurricane on the horizon.  It may look as if it will engulf the world and submerge America in the abyss of socialism where equality is swallowed by equity and freedom is ground under the heel of regimentation.  As the Democrat/Socialists leverage their bare majority in Congress into an unconstitutional federal mandate ensuring victories forever more, as fences and troops turn DC into their fortress of solitude, and as an avalanche of Executive Orders makes ruling by decree appear to be the order of the day don’t lose heart.  Remember, tears may come in the evening, but joy comes in the morning.  All this is about things.  That is all these people can do, take away things.  They have no power over our souls.  The Lord tells us numerous times in His Holy Word, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”  We can depend on that. 

The world and all that is in it is passing away.  Don’t become obsessed with the fact that America is passing under judgment.  When you look at the ever-mounting death toll in our abortion mills or at the open sewer society flourishing all around us is anyone really surprised that our all holy God has lifted His hand from us? 

The Great Reset is coming.  Our government of themselves, by themselves, and for themselves is working day and night to see that it does.  But that will only rearrange the City of Man.  We who have confessed Jesus as Lord and believe in our hearts that God has raised Him from the dead have already become citizens of the City of God, and there we stand witnessing and waiting expectantly for the Great Reversal, where the first shall be last and the last shall be first. 

Love is our currency.  We never have a deficit budget, for all we ever owe anyone is to love them.  And since we’re filled up wall-to-wall with Spirit of God we never run out of that precious commodity. 

It’s hard not to mourn the passing of mankind’s last best hope on this planet for individual freedom, personal liberty, and free enterprise, but we must see the bigger picture.  Paul and the other Apostles labored under one of the most oppressive military dictatorships of all time: the Roman Empire, and yet they never called for a violent revolution.  They kept their eyes on the prize and counseled all to turn to Christ and find life. 

Here we are caught upon the horns of a dilemma.  Our democratic process has belched up a faction of authoritarian wannabees determined to impose socialism, its economy, and destroying fever dreams.  They control all branches of the federal government, and there’s nothing to stop them from passing anything they want.   

We’ll never be able to stand up to them until we’re on our knees praising God and thanking Him for the salvation He’s given us in Christ. 

Don’t let the judgement of God bring you to despair.  God corrects those He loves. 

And there is a way out of this season of darkness, “… if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 

If we’ll follow this advice, we’ll receive this promise.  Then we can leave concern about the Great Reset in the secular sewer where it belongs and praise God for the Great Reversal. 

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, Global Studies, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com  © 2021 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com   Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Parler, Facebook, Twitter, Gab, or MeWe @ Drrobertowens, or visit Dr. Owens’ Amazon Page / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens 

The 5th Law of Thermodynamics February 10, 2021

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Whether we call it “Flipping the switch,” or “Mashing the button,” when we do it, we expect the light to come on.  But if there’s no power all we end up with is a futile finger exercise.  Even a flashlight needs batteries.  No power no light.  It is the power of the sun’s thermonuclear inferno that provides the natural light illuminating life on earth.   

In the arcane world of physical cosmology and astronomy the debate about Dark Matter and Dark Energy consumes the attention of the best and the brightest even though this has about as much every day walking around relevance as the ancient question, “How many angels can dance on the head of a pin.”  We’re told that which is invisible is measurable.  Some scientists go so far as to say that only 4% of the universe is physically observable, made up of matter.  The remaining 96% they say is dark or invisible. 

We’re told if these unknown and unknowable quantities aren’t factored into our calculations our accepted laws of physics, at the universal and the infinitesimal ends of the scale, don’t work.  They just appear to work within the observable bubble scientists call “The Space-Time Continuum” or as we call it out here in the work-a-day world, “Reality.”   

In other words, though these intricate Laws of Physics may look and are presented as rock solid, they aren’t.  It’s good to remember these and all Laws of Science are just theories constantly in search of either affirmation or repudiation. 

What this tells us about the reality we observe is that science says it isn’t what it seems.  If the Dark Matter – Dark Energy theory is correct most of what is – is invisible to us.  If it isn’t true, we’re relying on science based upon physics which we know is incomplete, imprecise, and fundamentally wrong.  If the foundation is bad how can the structure built upon it be good?  If the basic assumptions of science are faulty how can we trust it to reveal the universe around us? 

Some people believe that science is based on fact and religion is based on faith.  When we learn that once quantum physics intersects with normal physics and once Dark Matter and Dark Energy collide with observable matter the claptrap of the modern scientific edifice is shown to be a house of cards built upon multiple leaps of faith disguised as logical assumptions. 

If some want to embrace theories as dogma acting as the Apostate Apostles of Scientism preaching a religion of materialism that is their right.  However, I do find the way the “If I can’t feel it, see it, or hear it; it isn’t real,” crowd twist themselves into prattling pretzels over the problem of Dark Matter and Dark Energy extremely interesting. 

The many atheists in the religion of materialism tell us Christians that believing in a world we can’t see all around us making that which we can see possible is drivel.   At the same time, they use their incantation of equations to prove that the world we see is made possible by that which we cannot see.  One of the most fascinating phenomena I’ve ever witnessed is the fact that these evangelists of physical evidence can’t see the hypocrisy of their cult-like adherence to their anti-deity dogma in the face of believing and espousing basically the same set of facts. 

Just a few questions for the High Priests of Pragmatism: 

If the universe has an end than it must have had a beginning.  Every beginning has a cause.  What was the primary cause of the universe? 

Or, if the universe is never ending doesn’t that in and of itself prove the existence of eternity? 

If the universe is infinite yet expanding where would something that is infinite expand?   

If the universe is finite yet expanding into what is it expanding? 

Our solar system is powered by the sun.  Without the sun there would be no planets, no life.  If our sun was not there, there would be no here.  

I am speaking of physical power, physical light, and physical life. 

If we turn our attention to the spiritual reality, God is the source of everything.  And Jesus Christ as the Son of God and His incarnation is the perfect physical expression of God.  Coming to sinful man Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died a sacrificial death, rose from the dead, and ascended into Heaven where He is seated right now on the right hand of God the Father.  If we repent of our sins accept Jesus as our Savior, He will cleanse us of our sin nature and unite us with Himself.  We will become one with all other believers and one with God.   

Jesus is the power of God.  And without that power there is no light and we walk in darkness.  For Jesus is the light of the world.  He is the light that shines through the darkness and the darkness can’t understand it.  We are descended from our father Adam , and we enter this world with a sin nature separated from God whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.  Unless and until we turn from the material world and embrace the spiritual, we cannot even  understand what has just been said.  It will be gibberish, the ranting of a fool.  For the spirit cannot be understood with the natural mind. 

Forsake the world of darkness and embrace the light.  Leave the City of Man and be translated to the City of God.   

The Laws of Thermodynamics are: 

The Zeroth Law: If two systems are both in thermal equilibrium with a third system, then they are in thermal equilibrium with each other. 

The First Law: The energy gained (or lost) by a system is equal to the energy lost (or gained) by its surroundings. 

The Second Law: Natural processes tend to go only one way, toward less usable energy and more disorder. 

The Third Law: A system’s entropy approaches a constant value as its temperature approaches absolute zero. 

Even in the natural scientists say that the visible is dependent upon the invisible.  That is based on their conjectures.  Christians base their beliefs on the revelation of God.  Though He reveals Himself in all creation we cannot think our way to Him.  We cannot deduce Him or imagine Him apart from His revelation for He is eternal, infinite, omnipotent, and omnipresent.  These are all attributes beyond the grasp of our finite minds.  However, because He has chosen to reveal Himself to us in and through Christ, we know the material is dependent upon the spiritual.   

Scientists say there are three laws, but we all see four.  Which brings me to, the 5th Law of Thermodynamics: No power no light.  Turn from the beggarly forces of the physical and embrace the infinite power of God and let the light of Christ blaze forth in your spirit.  Then let your life become a beacon as that light illuminates the world around you.  

No Jesus no peace.  Know Jesus know peace.   

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, Global Studies, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com  © 2021 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com   Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Parler, Facebook, Twitter, Gab, or MeWe @ Drrobertowens, or visit Dr. Owens’ Amazon Page / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens 

America I’m Glad I Knew Ya January 25, 2021

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The Supreme Court refused to accept the Texas case.  In effect, ruling that accusations brought by multiple states of clear violations of the Constitution in the theft of an election are not worth their time to review.  Justice Samuel Alito issued a statement with the dismissal that was joined by Justice Clarence Thomas, arguing that the Supreme Court should take up the case.  “In my view, we do not have the discretion to deny the filing of a bill of complaint in a case that falls within our original jurisdiction,” Alito wrote, arguing that he would grant the motion to file the bill of complaint. 

The three justices appointed by Trump; Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh, and Neil Gorsuch joined the long list of people President Trump appointed to high office who stabbed him in the back as soon as the opportunity arose. 

Across the country court after court refused to allow any evidence to be submitted.  The Media then crowed, “There is no evidence.”  There are over a thousand signed affidavits detailing election irregularities.  There is video of people running the same ballots through counting machines multiple times.  But all the media can say is, “There is no evidence.”  All the low information voters and other socialist fellow-travelers can repeat believing it is their own personal opinion and not something embedded through repetition is, “There is no evidence.”

And the objections to the electoral votes were interrupted by a carefully planned and timed disruption just as the evidence was about to be submitted only to be reconvened in the early hours of the morning when no one was watching and after most of those objecting had been intimidated into silence.  And thus, the election fiasco of 2020 climaxes in the official certification of Joe Biden as the next President of the United States.

It’s hard to call this changing of the guard a generational shift when the leaders of the incoming regime are mostly senior members of the boomer generation.  Although AOC, her Squad, and their ANTIFA/BLM bullyboys claim to be the voice of youth.  

Every generation since the beginning of time has looked at the next generation and said some variation of, “I don’t know what’s going to happen to this world once the kids take over.  The world is going to go to hell in a hand basket.”  From ancient Babylon and Egypt through our parent’s generation, seasoned citizens have all said the same thing.  And all I can say is, “I don’t know what’s going to happen to this world once the kids take over.  The world is going to go to hell in a hand basket.”    

Speaking of generations; my heart breaks for my granddaughters and those still making their way to adulthood.  After years of compulsory state education instilling Democrat talking points and make-believe science as baseline knowledge, they’re now spending their highly formative tween and teenage years browbeaten and terrorized by the specter of Biden’s dark winter in masks and lockdowns spiraling into Venezuela on the Potomac.  And while America cowers in the basement over the China virus China Inc. with Biden in the Whitehouse will forge ahead to become the dominant economy and power on earth. 

Once the Scamdemic/Plandemic set the stage for the universal unsolicited mail-in ballots in Blue states the handwriting was on the wall.  Once the counting began and Trump was on track to win the voting was stopped in four swing states all controlled by corrupt Democrat urban machines. On que hundreds of thousands of previously unknown ballots magically appeared from suitcases, election officials running the same ballots through counting machines multiple times, pre-programmed voting machines, and trucks in the middle of the night and Prest-O Change-O Biden is ahead. 

As if to prove the statists/globalist coalition of socialists and crony capitalists have their sights set on instituting the crushing weight of equality of outcomes and making America miserable again the unflappable descendant of Jamaican slaveholders Kamala Harris recently said, “So there’s a big difference between equality and equity. … Equality suggests, ‘Oh, everyone should get the same amount.’  The problem with that — not everybody’s starting out from the same place. So, if we’re all getting the same amount but you started out back there and I started out over here, you’re still going to be that far back behind me.  It’s about giving people the resources and the support they need so that everyone can be on equal footing, and then compete on equal footing. … Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place.” (emphasis added) 

Let that ring in your ears for just a moment, “Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place.”  Equality of outcome is the essence of the siren song socialism has been singing for hundreds of years.  It has been attempted many places and failed each time.  Let’s see how long it takes to transform the greatest economy the world has ever seen into a third world hell hole.  Let’s see if socialism can be imposed upon an unwilling and unaware nation without the usual bloodbath that has accompanied it everywhere else.   

I wonder when the low information citizens who vote for the “D” after a politician’s name because their parents did ever wake up to find section 8 housing projects in their pristine suburban neighborhoods, their children competing against untold millions of immigrants from everywhere, their dollars and 401Ks worthless, and China as the most powerful country on earth will they still celebrate helping to end the America First agenda? 

Sad to say it appears the swamp has won.  They’ve successfully used a thoroughly partisan media in league with the administrative state to squelch the first outsider trying to make good on his promises to drain the swamp.  The great unwashed have been driven from the palace and just as after the fiery tumult of the French Revolution when a decadent and ineffective Louis the XVIII tried to restore the monarchy and assure the ruling classes the peasants would never again challenge their rule so too Joe Biden has been anointed by the powers that be to make sure they are forever the powers that be. 

Those who cherish our constitutionally limited Republic looked to the Senate races in Georgia hoping the same election machine that stole the state from Trump wouldn’t steal it from Loeffler and Perdue.  Then again, Wiley Coyote always thought he’d catch the Roadrunner too. 

Now that Washington has officially become a one-party town again to the cheers of the establishment look for swift action to cement the undemocratic rule of the Democrats for perpetuity.  The first step is evident in literally the first bill Nancy Pelosi will ram through the rubberstamp House, H.R. 1.  This freedom destroying monstrosity was already passed once by the House with every Democrat voting for it and every Republican against.  It was blocked by the Republican majority in the Senate.  With addition of the two stolen seats from Georgia it will sail through and become the law of the land. 

How will this bill known in Washington Newspeak as the “For the People Act,” which should instead be known as the “Steal Every Election Forever Act” cement the progressive party of the deep state in power?  According to the Heritage Foundation, H.R. 1 would force states to accept same-day registration and universal vote-by-mail, require states to allow convicted felons to vote, and allow voters to circumvent photo ID requirements in states that have them by signing sworn statements instead of providing ID. 

In addition, H.R. 1 also mandates countless millions of taxpayer dollars be given to candidates for their campaigns, requiring citizens to fund candidates who those citizens actually oppose for office. 

It also: 

  • Makes it difficult for a state to discover if a voter is also voting in another state. 
  • Requires all states to provide free mail-in absentee ballots. 
  • Criminalizes political speech that the government deems “discouraging” to voters who are statistically more likely to vote Democrat. 
  • Takes redistricting away from elected leaders to give to left-leaning commissions. 

Maybe it’s because he’s a newly minted member of the ruling class but during a recent Democratic Weekly Address, Representative-Elect Joe Neguse (D-CO) spilled the beans about the true target of H.R. 1, when he stated the legislation “Will be the bedrock of everything we do in the next two years, reminding us that when it works, the United States of America has the best form of government ever invented.” 

And that’s merely the first thing on the progressive agenda.  Buckle up and watch for the following to vomit forth like bilge water from the best Congress money can buy: 

  • The District of Columbia and Puerto Rico will be admitted as the 51st and 52nd states adding two Senators each meaning four extra Democrats in the Senate for the foreseeable future.   
  • End the filibuster in the Senate.  Effectively relegating the now permanent minority of Republicans to witnesses without a voice. 
  • Abolish the Electoral College.  Thus, enshrining the popular vote and the tyranny of the majority in effect making fly-over states conquered provinces of New York, California, and Illinois. 
  • Pack the Supreme Court with 12 or more justices. Additionally, all federal level courts would be packed with liberals and left-leaning judges.   
  • Immediate amnesty for illegals currently in America with a short easy path to full citizenship
  • Open borders
  • All incoming immigrants granted resident status. 
  • No difference between the rights of a resident and a citizen including voting rights. 
  • All new immigrants would immediately have full access to free health care, social security, and government subsidies. 
  • Make the 1619 curriculum mandatory from coast to coast. 
  • Set up a Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans. 
  • The previously introduced HR 5717/S. 3254– Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act of 2020 will be passed which would
  • Use the so-called insurrection in Washington to impeach the President after he has left office and try to ban him from ever running for office again.
  • Pass a new law similar to the Patriot Act which will negate constitutional protections and legalize the harassment of MAGA supporters.

§ Create a nationwide gun registry 

§ Ban almost all semiautomatic rifles 

§ Institute a federal Magazine Ban and require permits to purchase ammunition

§ Implement national “Red Flag” gun confiscation 

§ Tax guns at 30% and ammo at 50% 

§ Ban people under 21 from exercising their Second Amendment rights 

§ Ration guns by making it illegal to purchase more than one firearm in a 30-day period 

§ Force “Safe Storage” requirements on gun owners 

§ Ban home builds 

§ Ban suppressors 

§ Force FFLs to spend massive amounts of money to comply with new “security” requirements 

§ Expand “Gun Free Zones” 

One of the unreported commonalities between mass shootings: the vast majority of them occurred in gun free zones.  Does anyone actually believe any of these restrictions on gun ownership will be respected by criminals? Their only purpose is to disarm law abiding citizens.  Criminals break laws. That’s what makes them criminals. 

The Supreme Court has definitively joined the DOJ, the FBI, and the rest of the Federal Courts in the Revenge of the Swamp Creatures.  The Big Reveal: there is no justice, which brings us to two questions, “How long will the MAGA masses continue to pretend there is?  And what do they do when they finally admit that there isn’t?” 

God destroyed the Northern kingdom of Israel because they worshipped idols.  He destroyed the kingdom of Judah because they sacrificed their children.  How many Americans worship wealth, materialism, sports, celebrities, fame, or any number of other idols?  How many of our children have been sacrificed on the altar of convenience?  If we pass from the sunlight of liberty into the Democrat prediction of a long dark winter could this be the judgment of God in answer to our turning away from the cross?  Could this be judgment for the innocent blood which cries out for justice? 

After watching silently or mostly not even noticing as the Progressives have infested and subverted our education, our media, our entertainment, and our politics for over 100 years we have sown the wind and are about to reap the whirlwind.  As I stand here on the cusp of History looking into the face of the storm all I aca say is, “America, I’m glad I knew ya.”

Without Christ it’s true the world is going to go to hell, if not in a hand basket some other way.  Know Jesus know peace.  No Jesus no peace. 

Keep the faith.  Keep the peace.  We shall overcome. 

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, Global Studies, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @ http://drrobertowens.com  © 2021 Contact Dr. Owens drrobertowens@hotmail.com   Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Parler, Facebook, or Twitter @ Drrobertowens or visit Dr. Owens’ Amazon Page / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens